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Title: | 天主教朝聖地的全球在地化反思:以台灣三個朝聖地為案例 The glocalization of the Catholic pilgrimage : reflections on three pilgrimage sites in Taiwan |
Authors: | 偶文琦 Ou, Wen Chi |
Contributors: | 蔡源林 Tsai, Yuan Lin 偶文琦 Ou, Wen Chi |
Keywords: | 朝聖 全球在地化 天主教 瑪利亞 五峰旗 洛雷托 萬金聖母 Pilgrimage Glocalization Catholic Virgin Mary |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 14:40:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 天主教朝聖地由來自對聖人的熱心敬禮,藉著移動完成宗教性質的目的。從四世紀開始就有文獻記載,初期教會基督徒到聖地遊覽,中世紀後朝聖者更多選擇到羅馬、西班牙等地,至今,台灣有超過廿個以上的天主教朝聖地,仿效著千年以來的教會傳統,以提供信友們前來靈修與參訪。 朝聖地與一般教堂功能不同,主要吸引外地信眾前往。本文藉著朝聖地之三元素:教會傳說、教堂建築、信友,來討論朝聖地的特殊性與功能。並以台灣三處瑪利亞朝聖地為案例,分別是宜蘭五峰旗聖母朝聖地、苗栗頭屋洛雷托聖母之家、屏東萬金聖母聖殿。同時加入朝聖者的經驗訪談,綜合比較其歷史背景、神聖敘述,以反思此項天主教在全世界歷史悠久的傳統,如何體現至台灣本地教會。 The Catholic pilgrimage comes from the devotion of the saints, through the moving to complete the religious practice. From the beginning of the fourth century there was record about the Christians of early church went to visit the Holy Land. In the medieval era, pilgrims also went to Rome, Spain and other places. So far, there are more than twenty Catholic pilgrimage sites in Taiwan, following the ancient Church traditions to provide faithfuls spiritual function. Pilgrimage sites are different from the parish churches, mainly to attract non-localed faithful to visit them. This article discusses the peculiarity and function of the pilgrimage sites through the three elements: church legend, church building, and the pilgrimers. Through three Marian pilgrimage in Taiwan as cases: Ilan Wufongcis Marian pilgrimage, Miaoli Touwu Saint house of Our Lady of Loreto, and Wanchin Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. At the same time, with the pilgrims experience interviews to asemble a comprehensive comparison of its historical background, sacred narrative that reflecting on the Catholic Church in the world`s long tradition, how to embody to the local church in Taiwan. |
Reference: | 參考文獻
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