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網路部分 1.需求層次理論,教育部教育Wiki,2017,05,21,
3.雙因素理論,MBA lib,2017,05,21,
4.成就動機理論,MBA lib,2017,05,21,
6.期望理論(Expectancy Theory),MBAlib,2017,05,21,
8.Locke E A, Chah D O, Harrison D S, Lustgarten N. Seperating The Effects Of目標設定理論(Goal-Setting Theory) ,MBAlib,
9.增強論(reinforcement_theory) ,教育部教育Wiki,
10.鄭芬蘭,歸因論(Attribution Theory),教育大辭書,2000年12月,
11.亞當斯的挫折理論,MBAlib, |