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Title: | 做一個臉書互動分析的SOP:以陳珮琪粉絲專頁的「離題」為例 An SOP for analyzing users` interaction on Facebook : A case study of the off-topic phenomenon on Chen Pei-Chi`s fan page. |
Authors: | 高莘倫 Kao, Hsin Lun |
Contributors: | 劉慧雯 高莘倫 Kao, Hsin Lun |
Keywords: | 臉書 粉絲專頁 貼文 留言 互動 離題 共聚類 機器分析 數據 陳佩琪 台北市長選舉 Facebook Fan page Post Comment Interaction Off-topics Clustering Machine analysis Data Chen Pei-chi Mayoral Election |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 14:05:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究欲找出臉書粉絲專頁中貼文與粉絲留言的互動關係,以2014年台北市長選舉中,陳佩琪粉絲專頁中的「離題」現象為例,建立一個分析臉書粉絲專頁中互動關係的研究方法,這其中包括了機器處理分析以及人為觀察與詮釋的過程。 我以機器抓取臉書粉絲專頁的資料,藉由共聚類(clustering)將貼文與留言分群,將用詞用字上較為接近的貼文分做一群,留言隨之分類,再將貼文與留言各取其關鍵詞,以兩者之間用詞上的遠離與否,算出兩者的「離題率」。算出的結果顯示離題率過高,遠超過我對該粉絲專頁的理解,我接著進入貼文與留言中觀察,發覺其中有同義詞以及語用落差等問題,進而修正我的研究方法。我挑選該選舉過程中幾項重要事件,分析該事件中貼文與粉絲的互動關係,畫出其互動關係圖,從內容上真正的找出「離題」的樣貌。我將此研究從問題發想、機器運算、人為觀察與詮釋的過程整理為一方法SOP,期望為粉絲專頁中的互動關係觀察提供系統性的分析模式。 This study investigates interactive relations between a post and its comments on a fan page. This study takes Chen Pei-Chi’s fan page in Taipei Mayoral Election of 2014 as example. The “Off-Topic” phenomenon on Chen’s fan page helps to establish a model for analyzing such relations. The model includes computing analysis, man-made observations and interpretations I collected data on Chen’s fan page with the help of computer program. By clustering, posts were put into groups according to wording. Comments were put into groups correspondent to each post. I extracted key words from both sides. Next, I compared the wording of posts with that of comments. In this way, I calculated the percentage of “Off-Topic.” The percentage turned out to be too high, far beyond how I had understood fan page worked. Therefore, I went deep into the words of posts and comments and found out there existed problems of synonyms and pragmatic-semantic gaps. I corrected my model based on those observations. I chose some of the most important events from the election and analyzed their interactive relations between posts and fans. I sketched the interactive relations and successfully pictured “Off-Topic” in content. The SOP model, which ranges from forming the initial concept, computing analysis to man-made observations and interpretations, is expected to offer a systematic approach to the analysis of interactive relations on a fan page. |
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