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    Title: 誠品的平台設計與互動基礎
    The Design and Interaction of Participants in the Platform : A Case Study of Eslite Corporation
    Authors: 廖均芙
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Keywords: 平台策略
    Platform Strategy
    Platform design
    Interacting mechanism
    Eslite bookstores
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-31 12:29:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 閱讀及消費習慣的改變,使得圖書出版及行銷產業前景堪憂,出版社及書店的規模及數量皆不斷下滑,書店亦由販售書籍及文具「傳統業務」轉向販賣閱讀的「空間與時間」的複合式書店,而誠品書店身處圖書產業其中,卻不受此寒冬影響,本研究即試圖以平台商業模式解釋其成功因素為何。




    The change of reading and consuming habit, making the publishing industry harder to survive than ever. The number of publishers and bookstores are decreasing, and the bookstores are transforming its traditional business, selling books and stationary, to selling “time and space” of reading. However, not infected by the poor situation in the publishing industry, Eslite bookstores has performed a good example. This study is trying to explain its success factors from the aspect of platform business model, hoping the result and the analysis process could provide references for the traditional industry as a practice.
    This study developed the framework named” the three factors of designing the platform” (two-sided market, interacting mechanism, profitability model) and 2 stages (1989-2005, 2005-now) as analysis units to explain how the Eslite bookstores operate. Here are the findings of the study.
    Stage 1(1989-2005): Eslite focus on “profitability model”, making a use of the subsidy from Eslite living and the bundling of cultural context and cultural spaces, let the Eslite easily cross its boundary to the retail industry.
    Stage 2(2005- now): Eslite focus on “interacting mechanism”, using the consumer basis above, combining the visual channel(electronic readings, membership tools) and the real channel(promotion activities, interior design ), appealing the new side to join, enlarging the scope and context of Eslite cultural aspect, letting Eslite becomes a multi-functional platform of culture of creativity.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363052
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