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Title: | 美國全球反恐戰略研究 -以伊斯蘭國為例 The Study on U.S. Global Counter Terrorism Strategy - A Case Study of Islamic State |
Authors: | 劉哲文 |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 劉哲文 |
Keywords: | 全球反恐戰略 伊斯蘭國 伊拉克 敘利亞 Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy Islamic State Iraq Syria |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-31 12:25:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 二〇〇一年九一一恐怖攻擊事件後,由小布希政府所發起的全球反恐戰略,在二〇〇九年伴隨著總統職權交接由歐巴馬政府承接延續。而在美國執行全球反恐戰略的十餘年後,二〇一四年六月遜尼派伊斯蘭極端組織「伊斯蘭國」的快速崛起、擴張領土及極端暴力、野蠻與創新傳媒運用、資金籌獲及外籍戰士招募等手段,再次造成了國際社會莫大的震撼。本研究透過對美國小布希政府、歐巴馬政府分別在任期內所擬定頒布的國家安全戰略及反恐戰略規畫分析,發現到隸屬於國家安全戰略層級的全球反恐戰略,除了因應兩任政府決策風格不同外而有所差異外,在面臨伊斯蘭國不同於以往蓋達組織的恐怖主義威脅形態下,也應隨著修訂了迥異的國家安全戰略指導與反恐戰略作為。而看似發散於全球各地的反恐戰略,最終卻也交集歸附於美國國家利益。伊斯蘭國的恐怖主義威脅問題,包含了伊斯蘭教長久以來遜尼派與什葉派的教派紛爭,混合了中東地區複雜的石油利益,也隱隱雜入了美、俄之間中東秩序主導權的較勁。二〇一五年五月伊斯蘭國在美軍地面部隊有限度的介入後未曾再取得任何戰略勝利。然而,反恐戰略的勝利並非僅止於軍事作戰的成敗,意識型態的轉變才是反恐戰略另一個更加棘手的難題。 After the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy launched by the Bush administration was accompanied by the continuation of the presidency in 2009 by the Obama administration. In the United States more than ten years after the implementation of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the rapid rise of the "Islamic State" of the Sunni Islamic extremist organization in June 2014, the expansion of territory and extreme violence, the use of barbaric and innovative media propaganda, Soldiers recruiting and other means, once again caused the international community great shock.Through the analysis of the national security strategy and anti-terrorism strategy drawn up by the government of the United States, the Bush administration and the Obama administration during the term of office, the study found that the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, which is part of the national security strategy level, Different from the different styles of decision-making, in the face of the Islamic State is different from the previous al-Qaeda terrorist threat form, should also be revised with the different national security strategy guidance and counter-terrorism strategy as. And seemingly divergent in the global anti-terrorism strategy, but eventually also submitted to the United States national interests. The threat of terrorism in the Islamic countries, including the long-standing Sunni and Shiite sectarian strife, mixed the complex oil interests of the Middle East region, also faintly mixed into the competition between the United States and Russia in the Middle East order dominance. In May 2005, the Islamic countries did not achieve any strategic victory after a limited involvement of US military ground forces. However, the victory of the anti-terrorism strategy is not only the success or failure of military operations, the transformation of ideology is another more difficult strategy of counter-terrorism strategy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系戰略與國際事務碩士在職專班 102922017 |
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