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Title: | 臺灣偏鄉小學辦理學校型態實驗教育校務行政變革之個案研究 Case Study of School Administration Reform on Public Experimental Elementary Schools |
Authors: | 謝秉蓉 Hsieh, Ping Jung |
Contributors: | 陳榮政 Robin J. Chen 謝秉蓉 Hsieh, Ping Jung |
Keywords: | 學校型態實驗教育 偏鄉小學 校務行政變革 School-based experimental education Rural elementary schools School administration reform |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-31 12:25:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著實驗教育三法的通過,公立學校發展實驗教育的新型態─「學校型態實驗教育」為偏鄉學校提供另類轉型的契機與出路。在《學校型態實驗教育實施條例》中,明文規定辦理此類實驗教育之學校可針對學校部分校務行政事項進行實驗,不受一般教育法規的限制。本研究旨在探討原本在面臨困境的臺灣公立偏鄉小學,在辦理實驗教育後在校務行政的運作有何實際的轉變與改進,並藉此了解學校型態實驗教育政策的內涵。
本研究透過深度訪談及田野調查之質性研究方法,探究偏鄉小學辦理學校型態實驗教育之校務行政變革與挑戰,得到的研究結論如下:(一)主管機關針對學校型態實驗教育政策無明確發展之目標;(二)辦理學校型態實驗教育之偏鄉小學行政業務量整體而言不減反增;(三)偏鄉小學部分行政業務並沒有因為辦理實驗教育而得到彈性發展的空間;(四)偏鄉小學因辦理學校型態實驗教育逐漸活絡校內課程討論與教學經驗分享的氛圍;(五)學校行政人員與教師在使用特定理念的教學方法時,面臨許多實際面上執行的困境,與主管機關所期望之理想情況有落差;(六)家長不夠清楚實驗教育的內涵,容易對實驗教育抱有過高的期望。最後,針對這些上述歸納之研究結論,提出對於主管機關實施學校型態實驗教育政策以及未來學校型態實驗教育相關研究的建議。 As the Three-type acts of experimental education passed, the new type of experimental education for public schools-" Enforcement Act for School-based Experimental Education" encourages rural schools to change and transform. In "Enforcement Act for School-based Experimental Education," the act also expressly indicates that some administrative affairs of these school-based experimental schools could be experimented, not confined to normal education legislation. The aim of this study was to explore how school administration of Taiwan public rural elementary schools, which originally faced with challenges, actually change and improve, and to understand the school-based experimental education policy.
Qualitative research method including an in-depth interview and field work were adopted to collect the data and to investigate how school administration change and what challenges they face. The conclusion of this study are as follow: (a) the authorities have no clear developmental aim on school-based experimental education policy, (b) on the whole, the amount of administration affairs for school-based experimental schools isn`t less than before, is much more than before, rather, (c) part of administration affairs still have no flexible room for development, (d) the atmosphere of curriculum discussion and teaching experience share become more active, (e) specified teaching method used by school administrators and teachers is practically difficult, and doesn`t meet expectations of the authorities, (f) parents who don`t clearly comprehend the content of experimental education, tend to highly overestimate it. Finally, suggestions are given to the authorities and future researchers to improve the school-based experimental education according to conclusions above. |
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