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Title: | 公部門服務產品設計與行銷─以臺鐵觀光列車為例 Public Service Product Design & Marketing : Using Taiwan Railway Administration’s “Tourism Express” as An Example |
Authors: | 葉宇倩 Ye, Yu-Cian |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 葉宇倩 Ye, Yu-Cian |
Keywords: | 政策行銷 服務產品設計 產品定位 預評估 主題式觀光列車 Policy marketing Service product design Product position Pre-assessment Tourism train |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-31 12:24:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來政府戮力推展觀光,加上臺鐵局於2006年開始遭逢高鐵及地區捷運、輕軌的競合,亟須重新界定在島內公共運輸的地位,有效提升運能及開拓運量,相較於以往,觀光旅運的發展空間尤其值得探討。在國內,臺鐵局是少數具有「實體產品」的公部門,故本研究以臺鐵局觀光列車個案為例,探討類國營事業單位公部門應如何透過行銷手段達成政策目標。 本文採用文獻分析法,首先由行銷概念引介政策行銷的內涵。其次針對政策行銷的核心概念「產品(Product)」深入探討,整合政策行銷、產品定位及服務產品設計等理論,將臺鐵觀光列車做為個案,建構一套公部門政策行銷及新產品開發的建議模式;最後運用深度訪談及問卷調查等手法,對本項新產品進行預評估,以期政策方案在執行前,能予有效正確訂定,消弭政策目標和實際環境的差距。 研究發現,臺鐵觀光列車初期宜以「食」為列車主題,輔以觀景、私密、舒適,成為特色的「移動的高雅餐廳列車」;必要構成元素包含超大面觀景窗、展望車廂及包廂座位等有形之硬體設施,座位以2人沙發椅及4人桌型座椅最具吸引力;無形要素則包含服務人員素質及行車計畫2部分,其中列車行駛路線以東部幹線(樹林=臺東)為佳,開行時段則為上午,甜點、輕食下午茶是首選。 未來加入地方觀光元素、故事性、話題性等行銷方式,增加產品的生命力與續航力;最後藉由全新特色觀光列車,帶動國內整體鐵道旅遊風潮,活化相關觀光產業及産值,促進國家經濟,達成政策目標。 The conventional railway system operated by Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) has faced the competitive-cooperative relationship with Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR), local Metro and Lightweight Rail Transit (LRT) in Taiwan island since 2006. In the face of, the way of increasing TRA’s efficiency of seat utilization and ridership is getting significant. In particular, the issue as to how to raise the number of tourism passengers has been continuously discussed. This paper studies marketing issues by literature analysis and discusses the product (core-concept of the policy marketing), composed of policy marketing, market position, product design, management, and marketing strategy for TRA’s tourism train and further proposes its future development plan, and built evaluation model for government policy marketing and product innovation. In addition, this paper employs the methods of in-depth interview and survey to analyze the new tourism train for evaluation of new product before the policy execution and reduce the gap between the real and the policy expectation. At the result of this study, the theme of “Eating” is suggested to be applied and featured with scenery, privacy, and comfort to create a “Moving and Graceful Restaurant Train” which essential elements compose of tangible and intangible elements. Tangible elements contain huge viewing windows, observatory cars and staterooms and people are attracted by love seat and table seat. Intangible elements include the quality of train crew and train schedule plan, which travel route in Eastern line (Shulin=Taitung) before noon is the best. Most of customers choose dessert and afternoon tea. The subsequent proposal suggests local tourism elements and story-based issues are added to enhance marketing strategies, thereby increasing product vitality and sustainability. Finally, it is suggested that whole new tourism trains would be considered to prompt national trend on railway tourism and to further stimulate tourism industry and its industry value. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 104921047 |
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