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Title: | 臺灣存託憑證於我國證券交易法下之規範及存託機構責任 The regulation of Taiwan depositary receipts under securities and exchange act and the liability of the depositary |
Authors: | 吳逸儒 Wu, Yi Ju |
Contributors: | 林國全 吳逸儒 Wu, Yi Ju |
Keywords: | 臺灣存託憑證 證券交易法之有價證券 存託機構責任 發行人 Taiwan Depositary Receipt Securities on Securities and Exchange Act Liability of the depositary issuer |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-31 12:17:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國主管機關自1992年開放發行臺灣存託憑證,1998年第一檔臺灣存託憑證於我國證券交易所掛牌上市,發展迄今已25年。然而,「臺灣存託憑證是否為我國證券交易法下之有價證券」之根本問題,卻遲遲未有定論,甚而引發司法判決見解上之歧異。 故,本文參考美國法就證券法規範下之有價證券之判準,以及我國證券交易法之立法目的後,認為證券交易法下之有價證券應有幾大特性,分別為「流通性」、「投資性」或謂「投資人之獲利期待」及「投資人保護必要性」。經由檢驗前開特性,足證臺灣存託憑證確有納入我國證券交易法規範之必要。因此,建議主管機關應積極行使其「核定權」,明確將臺灣存託憑證納入證券交易法之規範範疇。 再者,臺灣存託憑證發行至今,先後發生多次我國證券市場與原有價證券發行市場間資訊不同步、臺灣存託憑證上市後,原有價證券發行公司旋於外國申請破產等事件。當中,主管機關及投資人多著眼於「原有價證券發行公司」之責任,卻未就存託機構於存託憑證發行過程中所扮演之角色,及應負擔之責任進行深究。 就此,參酌美國法上就存託機構之定位及賦予存託機構之義務,反思我國現行規範架構。就原有價證券發行公司,於發行公司參與型臺灣存託憑證時,應將伊與存託機構同列為臺灣存託憑證之「共同發行人」,負擔有價證券之發行人無過失責任。除可使現行處理準則與證券交易法規範一致外,更在確立原有價證券發行公司於臺灣存託憑證時所應承擔之責任。 而就存託機構部分,立法建議上,應使存託機構與原有價證券發行公司同列為臺灣存託憑證之申報及相關資訊提供之義務主體,藉由確保存託機構就相關資訊之可接近性,以課予其就資訊提供真實性及完整性之監督擔保責任,降低證券詐欺之風險。同時,因考量存託機構實非存託憑證募集資金之最終取得者,倘於存託機構已盡其注意義務,仍無從避免之資訊不實事實發生時,則減輕其損害賠償責任,使存託機構僅就其「因發行存託憑證所取得之報酬」範圍內負擔損害賠償責任,以衡平存託機構之權利及義務。 Since 1992, the Financial Supervisory Commission in Taiwan allows to issue the Taiwan Depositary Receipt, then the first Taiwan Depositary Receipt had been listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) in 1998, the Taiwan Depositary Receipt has been developed for 25 years. However, the basic question that whether the Taiwan Depositary Receipt belongs to securities on Taiwan’s Securities and Exchange Act or not is still no conclusion. Moreover, it caused the diversion between judges. Regarding to the judgment standards of securities on American act , also the purpose of Taiwan’s Securities and Exchange Act, this thesis thinks the securities on the Securities and Exchange Act should include these characters—“Circulation”,” Investment ” or called “the Investors` profit expectations” and ”necessity of investor protection”. Through examining foregoing characters, it is obviously that Taiwan Depositary Receipt should be regulated by the Securities and Exchange Act. Therefore, this thesis suggests the Financial Supervisory Commission in Taiwan must conduct the approval power actively, making it clearly that the Taiwan Depositary Receipt applies to Taiwan’s Securities and Exchange Act. Moreover, since the first Taiwan Depositary Receipt issued, it has occurred many times that the information does not synchronized between Taiwan and the original securities issued market, while Taiwan Depositary Receipt was just issued in Taiwan, the corporation which issued the original securities linked to Taiwan Depositary Receipt right applied to bankrupt, etc. When happened, investors were likely to focus on the liability for corporation which issued the original securities linked to Taiwan Depositary Receipt, instead of pursuing the role of the Depositary and its responsibility. Concerning the question, by referring to the position and obligation of the depositary under American Securities Regulations, hence reflect over the regulations of Taiwan. As to the corporation which issued the original securities linked to Taiwan Depositary Receipt, when issuing sponsored depositary receipt, should be identified as the “co-issuer” of the Taiwan Depositary Receipt, affording the strict liability of the securities issuer. It could not only make the Regulations Governing the Offering and Issuance of Securities by Foreign Issuers consistent with the Securities and Exchange Act, but also establish the liability to the corporation which issued the original securities linked to Taiwan Depositary Receipt. As to the depositary, it should be asked to afford the obligation of declaring and providing information about Taiwan Depositary Receipt, same as the corporation which issued the original securities linked to Taiwan Depositary Receipt. By means of assuring the approachability to the information, depositary has to bear the liability of assuring the information with accuracy and adequacy. Meanwhile, concerning to the depositary is not the owner of capital from Taiwan Depositary Receipt, if the depositary can prove that it provided the false statement with reasonable investigation and reasonable ground to believe the statement is correct, the depositary can reduce the liability for damages. By limiting the depositary liability to the realm of what it take from issuing the Taiwan Depositary Receipt, to balance the depositary’s right and obligation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 103651042 |
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