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Title: | 競價拍賣新制政策效果分析 Analysis of Empirical Effect of New IPO Auction Policy |
Authors: | 李孟霖 Lee, Meng Lin |
Contributors: | 李志宏 李孟霖 Lee, Meng Lin |
Keywords: | 競價拍賣 折價幅度 競拍底價 興櫃市場 |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-31 12:01:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究透過新制上路後至2017年5月31日間,採競價拍賣與採詢價圈購發行的公司資料,探討競價拍賣新制實施後,在法規規定下優先採競價拍賣辦理初次公開發行的公司,與採詢價圈購發行公司折價幅度的異同;在公開申購比例較低的新制競價拍賣中,一般投資人是否較難參與股票配售;而將競拍底價上限與興櫃市場交易價格連結,承銷商與發行公司是否可能透過興櫃市場價格操作,提升該上限價格計算參照期間成交均價,以增加底標訂價彈性。 本研究另將於競價拍賣新制中的發行公司,與於1996年至2000年間採競價拍賣發行的公司進行比較,檢視與興櫃市場連結的競拍底價是否對投標者而言,更具參考性,而興櫃市場的訊息是否有助於降低競價拍賣的折價幅度。 本研究實證結果與結論為: 1.法規的改變可能為採競價拍賣發行的公司,帶來較詢價圈購更低的折價幅度; 2.一般投資人在競價拍賣過程中的參與程度,顯著高於在詢價圈購配售過程的參與程度; 3.可能存在承銷商與發行公司透過興櫃市場操作,提升競拍底價上限計算參照期間股價,以增加底標訂價彈性的現象; 4.投標者對與興櫃市場連結的競拍底價參考程度提高,但興櫃市場的訊息並未提升競價拍賣方式的價格發現能力。 We study IPO firms using auction and book building under new IPO auction policy to investigate the degree of underpricing of those IPO firms. Our sample consists of firms from January 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017. We study whether it is harder for retail investors to participate in the process of IPO auction under new IPO auction policy. And we also investigate if it is possible that underwriters as well as issuers trade in the emerging stock market to drive up prices in order to affect the calculation of the upper limit of minimum bid price. This research also compare firms using auction under new IPO auction policy with firms using auction from 1996 to 2000 to see if setting the upper limit of minimum bid price based on the prices in the emerging stock market conveys more information to the bidders and whether the information from the emerging stock market helps lower the degree of underpricing. Our study shows that: 1.Under new IPO auction policy, firms using auction enjoy relatively lower degree of underpricing compared to firms using book building. 2.Retail investors are more involved in the process of IPO auction than in the process of book building. 3.It is possible that underwriters and issuers trade in the emerging stock market to drive up prices in order to affect the calculation of the upper limit of minimum bid price. 4.Setting the upper limit of minimum bid price based on the prices in the emerging stock market conveys more information to the bidders but doesn’t help lower the degree of underpricing. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財務管理研究所 104357003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104357003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [財務管理學系] 學位論文
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