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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/112279
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    Title: 機器學習與房地產估價
    Machine learning and appraisal of real estate
    Authors: 蔡育展
    Tsai, Yu Chang
    Contributors: 蔡瑞煌
    Tsaih, Rua Huan
    Tsai, Yu Chang
    Keywords: 房地產估價
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-28 13:49:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,房地產之投資及買賣廣為盛行,而房地產依舊為人們投資的方向之一。屬於人工智慧範疇之類神經網路,其具有學習能力,可以進一步的歸納推演所要預估的結果,也適合應用於非線性的問題中,但以往類神經網路的機器學習模型,皆採用中央處理器(CPU)進行運算,在計算量龐大時往往耗費大量時間於訓練上。而圖形處理器(GPU)之崛起,將增進機器學習的速率。
    Real estate investment and transcation prevails in recent year. And it is still one of the choices for people to invest. The Neural Network which belongs to the category of Arificial Intelligence has the ability to learn and it can deduce to reach the goal. In addi-tion, it is also suitable for the application of non-linear problems. However, the machine learning model of the Neural Network use CPU to operate before and it will always spend a lot of time on training when the calculation is large.However, the rise of GPU speeds up the machine learing system.

    This study will implement resistant learning procedure with the concept of Enve-lope Bulk focus to built a Neural Network system. Using TensorFlow and graphics pro-cessing unit (GPU) to speed up the original Arificial Intelligence system. According to the real estate transaction data of Taipei City in 2015, 1276 data will be used. We will pick 60% of the data in a random way as training data of our two experiment , one of it will assume that there are 5% of outlier and another won’t. Then select 11 variables which may impact the value of real estate as input. As the experiment result, it makes the operation more efficient and faster , training of the Neural Network really speed up a lot. The experiment which has assume that there are 5% of outlier shows the better effect of predicting than the another. And we got a better prediction on the part of the higher price after we divided the data into six groups by their price.In the other hand, Neural Network is good at solving the problem of non-linear. It can be a reference of the sup-port system of real estate appraisal in the future.
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