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Title: | 幼兒園中的好孩子圖像?—北京與台北兩所幼兒園的比較研究 What’s the Image of “good child” in Adults’ Eyes ? A Comparative Study of Two Kindergartens Between Beijing and Taipei |
Authors: | 劉小樹 |
Contributors: | 張盈堃 劉小樹 |
Keywords: | 兒童觀 好孩子 比較研究 Image of childhood Good child Comparative study |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-28 11:56:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 成人如何看待兒童以及成人對兒童的想像決定幼兒的生活,在幼兒園這個場域中更顯得明顯,教師對幼兒的想象、評價及塑造即為本研究想要關注的重點。本研究以台北和北京兩所幼兒園的各一個中班班級為研究對象,首先從教師角度、幼兒角度、課程角度和班級秩序角度四個面向對幼兒園中生活進行描寫,再藉助班級中發生的故事,來推論幼兒園生活中成人對兒童的顯性和隱形期待,並以此揭示兩地幼兒園生活中「好孩子」的形象,進而比較其文化層面上的異同。研究發現這兩個在課程上、結構上、師資上相似的幼兒班級,整體上擁有類似的理念—適應集體生活、講禮貌和遵守規則為教師對幼兒的首要要求。但在具體實行層面,兩岸教師對待幼兒的行為有細微的差異,如禮貌的具體涵義、對規則的執行等。除此之外,教師亦藉由身體的馴服和規訓的手段塑造教室中的理想幼兒,造成兩個班級中幼兒擁有不同的形態。 How adults see children and children`s imagination decided children`s life, and it is more obvious in kindergarten. Teachers’s imagination, evaluation and shaping of children are the focus of this research.The research data comes from two classes in Taipei and Beijing. First of all, this research descripted the lives of kindergarten from the perspective of teachers, children, course and class order, and then with the help of a class of story that happened in the class,we get to know how adults expect children`s behavior in kindergarten life explicit and stealth, and to reveal both the kindergarten life "good child" image, and then compare the cultural similarities and differences.The study found that the two preschool classes are similar to one another on the course, structure, and the teachers. And on the whole, they have similar ideas that in order to adapt to the collective life, polite, and abide by the rules are children`s first request by the teachers. However, on the specific implementation level, there are subtle differences between teachers on both classes, such as the specific meaning of politeness and the execution of the rules. In addition, teachers also shape the ideal children in the classroom by means of the taming and disciplining of the body, resulting in different forms of children in two classes. |
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