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    Title: 北投親子館社會資本積累之研究
    The Study on Social Capital Accumulation of Beitou’s Parent-child Center
    Authors: 畢瑋
    Bi, Wei
    Contributors: 顏良恭
    Bi, Wei
    Keywords: 社會資本
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-28 11:45:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 北投親子館社會資本積累之研究

    The Study on Social Capital Accumulation of Beitou’s Parent-child Center
    At the year 2011, Taipei city government introduced a program named “Wish You a Good Pregnancy” and fully promoted a policy named “One Area One a Parent-child Center” for each district. The purpose was to actively serve parents and children by creating a community driven, safe, free, and high quality institution and space for raising children. Right now there are 13 parent-child centers that are open to public. In order to provide more customized and varied services, “One Area One a Parent-child Center” project work together with many other institutions and companies.

    This study focus on Beitou’s Parent-child Center, a place with a rich history, culture and natural environment, which inspired the president of the parent-child center to utilize all these advantages and improve the parent-child center. Taipei civil department outsourced the management of Beitou’s Parent-child Center to “Taipei Teaching Staff Organization”. With this infrastructure, everyone in the parent-child center, including its president, volunteers and local cultural organizations work together in a trustworthy, cooperative, and disciplined environment and to share common resources to reach everyone’s goals. This study will use qualitative research method, which the main part of the study will be based on interviews, supported by recorded documents, observation on the site, and other related information. Using these methods, we further understand how Beitou’s Parent-child Center work with local social resources, create local community and accumulate social resources that are created by Interaction, Trust, Reciprocity and Standards.
    Our study concludes:
    There are two main incentives for Beitou’s Parent-child Center to cooperate with third party organization. The first is to find local partner and create good relationship. The second is a quarterly seasonal report promised to civil department. For communications, parent-child center have used several traditional methods including, phone call, direct meet up, direct conversation and voice messages. These traditional methods provide a more personal, and intimate feeling, which works well when it comes to accumulating social assets.
    In the cooperation network, organizations that communicate most frequently are The Civil Department, Hot Spring Museum, YueQin Folk Music Association, Meiting, Kaidagelan Museum and volunteers.
    The trust relationship can be grouped into two kinds, the first is the trust between associations and the government. Which is part of the government program, a direct and straightforward trust relationship. On the other hand, you have the trusting relationship between the parent-child center and its volunteers. They build up their relationship from working toward a same goal, passion, and taking initiatives .
    The Win-win relationship of the accumulation of social resources is reached by building connections between people, discovering new friends, and helping people to find their future direction, creating a local community, creating a cooperation platform and increasing the variety of services provided.
    The ruling relationship of the accumulation of social resources is created by informal rules about communication which result in a warmer relationship and more frequent communication between parties.
    The social network that created and cored by Beitou’s Parent-child Center accumulate many social resources using many methods listed above., the growth of the institution can be seen by the core concept that they have chosen in all their method, which is the warmth of local society. This is the main reason behind the rapid growth of Beitou’s Parent-child Center.
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