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    題名: 基於合作閱讀與寫作過程動態萃取之文字雲對於提升自由寫作成效之研究
    Extracting Word Cloud Dynamically from Collaborative Reading and Writing Processes for Promoting Learning Performance of Free Writing
    作者: 陳俊逸
    貢獻者: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih-Ming
    關鍵詞: 自由寫作
    Free writing
    Word cloud assisted writing
    Writing ability
    Reading and writing
    日期: 2017
    上傳時間: 2017-08-28 11:36:53 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 寫作能力是學習其他學科知識的基礎能力。過去研究雖然已發展出許多寫作輔助系統用於提升學習者的寫作能力,但尚少有研究同時考慮將閱讀、寫作活動,以及基於文字雲萃取提升寫作靈感機制結合輔以寫作學習活動的研究。因此,本研究發展出一寫作訓練學習系統,可以基於合作閱讀標註與寫作主題相關之文本,以及動態萃取閱讀標註與寫作過程之文字雲,輔以激發學習者在寫作過程中的寫作靈感與想法,並探討學習者使用此一系統後對於寫作成效、寫作態度及寫作歷程的影響。
    Writing ability is the basic ability for learning knowledge of other subjects. Although lots of writing auxiliary systems for promoting learners’ writing ability were developed in past studies, few of them combined reading & writing with the writing inspiration promotion mechanism with word cloud based extraction for research on writing learning. For this reason, a writing training and learning system, which is based on cooperative reading annotation and writing-related texts and dynamically extracts word cloud from reading annotation and writing process, is developed in this study. Besides, learners’ writing inspiration and ideas are induced in the writing process, and the effect of learners using such a system on writing performance, writing attitudes, and writing course are also discussed.
    Total 48 students in two G6 classes in Shihmen Elementary School in Longtan, Taoyuan City, are selected for the research. A class is randomly selected as the experimental group using “word cloud assisted free writing”, and the other is the control group with “beautiful vocabulary assisted free writing” to discuss the effect of such free writing on writing performance, writing attitudes, and writing course. The research findings are summarized as followings. 1. There is no remarkable difference in writing performance and writing attitudes between the experimental group and the control group. 2. The experimental group notably outperforms the control group on total writing concepts, total writing words, and writing paragraphing times in the writing course. 3. Female learners in the experimental group significantly outperform those in the control group on total writing concepts, total writing words, writing paragraphing times, unique wording in the writing course. 4. Learners with low writing attitudes in the experimental group notably outperform those in the control group on total writing concepts and total writing words in the writing course. 5. Field-dependent learners in the experimental group remarkably outperform those in the control group on writing paragraphing times in the writing course. 6. Learners with high writing attitudes in the experimental group significantly outperform those in the control group on writing paragraphing times in the writing course. 7. Overall learners in both experimental group and control group present remarkable promotion on writing attitudes. 8. Female learners in the experimental group notably outperform male learners on total writing concepts, total writing words, and unique wording. 9. Field-independent learners in the experimental group significantly outperform field-dependent learners on the times of message in forums conforming to writings in the writing course. 10. Learners in the experimental group show remarkable correlations between writing performance posttest and items in the writing course.
    According to the research results, suggestions for teaching practice, system optimization, and future research directions are proposed in this study for successive researchers’ research reference.
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