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Title: | 台灣大車隊管理與發展個案研究 A Case Study on the Management and Development of Taiwan Taxi |
Authors: | 李瓊淑 Lee, Chiung Shu |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 李瓊淑 Lee, Chiung Shu |
Keywords: | 台灣大車隊 多元化叫車系統 計程車無線電派遣 經營模式 網路平台經濟 Multi-function call service Network platform economy On line taxi Taiwan taxi Wireless satellite dispatch |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-28 11:32:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣大車隊股份有限公司 (Taiwan Taxi Corporation,簡稱台灣大車隊),為台灣民間第一家導入無線衛星派遣系統於2002年正式成立的計程車車隊,到2017年已是一個擁有17,000 名駕駛隊員的大企業,成功地創新了計程車派遣的經營模式。 在這十七年間,換過三個經營團隊,最後在林村田董事長經營下讓公司穩定下來並有盈餘。經營團隊接手後持續更新了早已建構完成之GPS衛星定位與PDA車機派遣系統。另外,更結合了空中排班、熱點候車點、多元化叫車服務與非現金消費系統,升級為平台經營架構。由多種面向匯集了電子技術、智慧手機雲端科技,不但有助於車輛的調度,提昇服務品質,也提昇了駕駛和乘客的安全性,增加了公司的競爭力。在此競爭激烈及節約能源的時期,台灣大車隊透過創新經營模式,持續檢討優缺點,迅速改善缺點,加強優點,增強正向迴路經營模式以創造利潤及業績,使企業持續成長。 前幾年面臨國內外叫車服務系統的挑戰時,如2013年6月Uber入台以及政府推行多元化計程車,台灣大車隊就已投入軟硬體研發和改善公司的作業流程以擴展計程車司機隊員規模、便利顧客、增加附屬營業收入、和流動資金的管理,以及電腦資訊自動化管理系統等多樣措施加強了利潤的成長。對外在環境變化的最新應變措施包括:叫車系統快速自動化、建構多元化叫車體系、增加車隊類型和功能、採取多種措施如手機APP電召,配上軟體記憶增加顧客黏著度、擴充平台經營層面,增加平台經營附加價值、綁定信用卡付費方式,建構出叫車平台營運成功的商業模式。 管理團隊認為所有的成功都基於重視隊友及顧客的價值,堅信:乘客即顧客、加盟隊員為家盟隊員,以增加人際溫暖度的心態來經營。使接觸到大車隊的人,都有得到照顧與或取得利潤的確幸。相對的,車隊營收亦可經由各個微小的服務利潤集結發揮為平台結構關聯性收益而得以實現。 Taiwan Taxi Corporation Ltd. (Taiwan Taxi) is the first civilian taxi fleet which established a wireless satellite dispatch system in 2002. By 2017, it has succeeded in the innovating of business model for taxi dispatch, and become a large enterprise with 17,000 drivers. During seventeen years, replaced by three management teams, the revenue of Taiwan Taxi finally increasingly stabilized. At present, the manager team led by Lin Cun-Tian still constantly updating the already constructed GPS satellite positioning and PDA car dispatch system. By a variety of aspects for the integration of electronic technology, smart phone cloud technology, this platform not only helps the vehicle scheduling and improves service quality, but also enhance driving and passenger safety which increase their competitiveness. In the period of severe competition and energy conservation, Taiwan Taxi has continually reviewed the advantages and disadvantages through the innovative business model they built. Manager team quickly improves the shortcomings, enhance the advantages, so that a positive loop to create profits and performance can operate and make the enterprises continue to grow. Facing the challenges of domestic and foreign call systems, such as Uber and diversified taxi, Taiwan Taxi has developed new hardware and software research and has improved the operating process to expand their fleet of taxi drivers, facilitate customers since 2013, thus increased the subsidiary operating income, working capital management, and automize the computer management system to strengthen the growth of profits. The newly strategic approaches against external changes include: construct an on-line taxi system, a diversified taxi on call management containing mobile phone call, increase the fleet type and function. Other adoptions such as: memory of previous calls to increase customer stickiness, increase the running of additional function on platform, binding credit card payment, thus a successful business model upon taxi platform are constructed. Manager team believe: all the success is based on the values of teammates and customers, passengers are customers, and all the drivers joined are members of this family. They are happy to increase the warmth between the interpersonal through their management. As long as who contacts with Taiwan Taxi, will get a warm care and obtain profits of fortune. Synchronously, the revenue of cooperation can also be achieved through the combination of each profit margin for platform. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 104932409 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932409 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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