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Title: | 新創企業創業團隊關係研究 A study of relationship of startup company partners |
Authors: | 吳梓川 Wu, Zi Chuan |
Contributors: | 葉匡時 蔡維奇 Yeh, Kuang shih Tsai, Wei Chi Tsai 吳梓川 Wu, Zi Chuan |
Keywords: | 新創企業 創業團隊 關係 異質性 信任 Startup Partner Relationship Heterogeneity Trust |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-10 10:20:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著全球越來越多人和資源投入到新創企業的活動中,創業活動逐漸成為一個國家發展的助力,不僅對經濟發展和社會成長有幫助,對提升就業力和國家創新能力也至關重要。創業過程中關鍵因素之一的創業團隊成員,也越來越受到世界各地學者的重視和研究。但作為一個新的研究領域,依然有很多的不足。如何讓創業者能準確挑選適合自己的創業團隊并維繫團隊成員之間的關係是創業過程中的核心問題。團隊成員關係直接影響了創業團隊的表現,而創業團隊的表現直接影響新創企業的績效。 本研究對已有研究和文獻進行了梳理,總結和評論,針對創業團隊成員的個人特質,挑選因素,成員間的異質性,團隊組成因素,創業團隊成員關係維持,特殊合夥人關係,股權分配以及退出策略八個層面,開展了探討台灣創業環境下創業者及創業團隊成員關係維繫為主題的研究。研究發現以下幾點對關係維繫是正向作用的:創業前確認彼此的信任關係,創業團隊成員具有優秀的特質,創業前明確職責和權利,團隊成員之間願景一致且能力互補,合理分配股權。未來,在本研究的基礎上,還可繼續探究優秀個人特質之間的關係,創業團隊成員的溝通方式,成員的異質性對彼此關係的影響,以及產業細分后的創業團隊成員關係。希望對創業團隊成員關係的研究,能補充現有創業研究的不足,擴大創業理論的研究範圍,給創業者和投資人更多的指導性建議。 With more and more startups around the globe, entrepreneurship has become a key to the national development, not only to economic development and social growth, also to improving the employment and national innovation capability. One of the key factors of entrepreneurship is the business partner matching. Partner matching has drawn more and more scholars’ attention and research around the world. But as an emerging research area, there are still some theoretical and practical questions worth investigating. How to make sure that an entrepreneur can accurately select a partner that is suitable for the business and how to maintain the relationship between the partners are the core issues in an entrepreneurial practice. In this study, I conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature related to the relationships of business partners. Drawn lights from the literature, this study discussed 8 key variables such as the individual characteristics of the partners, the selection of the partners, heterogeneity among the partners, the factors of the partnership team, the relationship maintenance of partners, the special partner relationship, the distribution of the shares and the withdrawal strategy of the partners. This research grounds itself on the relationship maintenance between entrepreneurs and partners in Taiwan`s entrepreneurial environment. The study found that the following aspects are positive for the maintenance of partner relationships: mutual trust among the partners before the partnership, the constructive characters of partners, the clear sense of liability and rights before the partnership, the accordant of the vision and the complementary ability, and the rational allocation of equity. In the future, we will continue exploring the relationship among individual characters, the communication among partners, the impact of partners’ heterogeneity on partnership, and the partnership after industry segmentation. By studying the partner relationship, this study casts light on supplementing the existing research of entrepreneurship, expanding the scope of research on entrepreneurial theory, and giving more practical guidance to entrepreneurs and investors. |
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