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Title: | 農業親子旅遊創業計畫書 A business plan of agricultural family tourism |
Authors: | 林耕平 |
Contributors: | 別蓮蒂 林耕平 |
Keywords: | 創業計畫 農業親子旅遊 幼兒教育 傳統農村文化 Business plan Agricultural family tourism Early childhood education Traditional rural culture |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-10 10:20:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去農產品買賣創業時接觸台灣農村的經驗,加上筆者家族的幼兒教育背景;更重要的,是傳承台灣農村文化的信念,因而產生了農業親子旅遊創業計畫。
本計劃設定第五年達成全年約五百五十萬營業額的目標,且詳述達成細節,並做出綜合損益表、資產負債表之預估。未來展望部分,則針對地理區位的擴張、目標客群的增加、產品線廣度提升與應注意的行政事項進行補充。 The idea of the business plan of agricultural family tourism commences with the author`s previous experiences including the entrepreneurship related to food-trading, the family business of the early childhood education, and the mission of sustaining Taiwanese traditional rural culture.
The business plan aims to provide services to our target customers, who are 3~12 year-old children and their parents, by integrating the upstream agricultural tourism resources, professional consultant of early childhood education and well-designed edutainment itinerary.
To support the argument of this business plan, the background of travel industry was investigated first. The research on the Rural Rejuvenation Act which promulgated by Council of Agriculture, policy of promoting agri-tourism, business research reports and literatures illustrated the importance of merging traditional culture into itinerary design, the habit of agricultural family tourism is based on value-conscious. Therefore, a practice trip of agricultural family tour in Ershui Township, Changhua County was administrated on 6 May 2017. The practice trip revealed that the early childhood education consultants play a significant role to complete the design of activities, bring up the interests of children, and match the expectations of parents.
This business plan provides methods to develop the rural area with the awareness of environmental security and the consensus of stakeholders. In addition, it approaches to itinerary design that includes such as family co-creation game and expressive training for children. Moreover, this business plan intents to help downstream organizations, including kindergartens and communities, to hold professional agricultural family tourism to enrich their services.
With the aim to reach the revenue of NT$ 5.5 million in the fifth year, the forecast of balance sheet and income statement, methods to accomplish the goal are all described in the business plan. The future development will focus on geographic extensions, increasing the new customer segments and product lines, and some administrative matters. 第一章 創業緣起與概念定義 1
第一節 創業緣起 1
第二節 農業親子旅遊定義 2
第二章 旅行業產業分析 3
第一節 定義產業 3
第二節 農業旅遊相關政策 5
第三節 親子旅遊特性 7
第四節 農業旅遊特性 8
第五節 觀光局統計數據 10
第三章 旅遊試辦實例分析 15
第一節 前置準備與各方溝通 15
第二節 旅程資訊 17
第三節 參與者回饋 20
第四節 未來精進措施 25
第四章 創業計畫 29
第一節 願景與使命 29
第二節 商業模式 30
第三節 團隊介紹 32
第四節 上游開發 34
第五節 旅遊行程設計與服務 37
第六節 下游開發 40
第七節 目標設定與策略執行 44
第八節 財務分析 57
第五章 未來展望 63
參考文獻 65
附錄一 旅行業經理人應備資格 68
附錄二 農業親子旅遊 滿意度問卷 69 |
Reference: | 一、 英文部分
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二、 中文部分
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三、 網路資料
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 104363091 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363091 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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