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Title: | 台灣行動支付之推廣模式分析 A Strategic Analysis on the Promotion Model of Mobile Payment in Taiwan |
Authors: | 陳宥廷 Chen, Youting |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi-Chia 陳宥廷 Chen, Youting |
Keywords: | 行動支付 平台經營模式 推廣模式 AIETA 買者購買程序模式 Mobile payment Platform business model Promotion strategy AIETA model |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-10 10:18:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣的行動支付市場目前仍處於積極推廣的階段,各家業者正試圖結合使用者、商家與其他合作夥伴,逐步建構出台灣行動支付的的平台經營模式。然而,目前台灣的行動支付公司大多是由其他產業跨入行動支付市場,各自擁有不同的資源優勢,因此在推廣行動支付服務時,除了藉由補貼政策扶植平台各邊的成長外,更會利用槓桿策略延伸既有資源的優勢。本研究將致力於台灣行動支付業者的推廣模式之比較,並以AIETA買者購買程序模式作為主要研究架構,歸納出在不同AIETA階段中的推廣模式差異以及背後所蘊含的平台模式思維。
本研究得到的結論為在不同的AIETA階段中,推廣模式的核心目標皆會有所差異。首先,在知曉階段,引起好奇心與創造辨識度是主要任務,其次,在興趣階段時,必須盡量降低資訊搜尋成本並同時展現核心能耐。第三,進入評估階段後,要兼顧平台使用價值與成本效益的提升才能突顯差異。第四,要能進入試用階段,首要課題將是降低進入門檻。最後,促使持續採用的關鍵在於建立平台的專屬陷入成本以及提升後續發展的潛力。 Mobile payment is rising in Taiwan, there are many companies try to promote the mobile payment service to users, stores and other partners. Based on different partnerships, the companies are building their own platform business models step by step. In order to categorize the different promotion goals in every development stages and the platform business model behind, the study will compare the promotion strategies of four mobile payment companies based on AIETA model.
This is a multi-case study, choosing the representative and comparable cases in Taiwan. Since most of the mobile payment players in Taiwan are the existing companies from other industries, the study will focus on how does the companies with different background leverage their core competencies to promote the initial mobile payment service.
By analyzing the four mobile payment companies, this study concludes the different promotion goals in every AIETA stages: 1. Aware: Generating curiosity and recognition. 2. Interest: Decreasing information search cost and presenting core competencies. 3. Evaluation: Increasing usage value and effectiveness of the platform. 4. Trial: Lower the trial barriers. 5. Adoption: Building asset specificity and creating development potentiality. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 104364101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104364101 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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