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Title: | 青少年增強權能之探究:權能程度與相關因素 The Extent and Correlates of Empowerment among Adolescents |
Authors: | 張哲誠 Chang, Che Cheng |
Contributors: | 宋麗玉 Song, Li yu 張哲誠 Chang, Che Cheng |
Keywords: | 青少年 增強權能 權能感 自我認同 批判思考態度 Adolescent Empowerment Self-identity Critical thinking |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-10 10:08:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 青少年期為「進入生活」的重要階段,開始展現對周遭事物的影響力;但問題化看待青少年導致其主體性難以被看見,而影響權能(empowerment)的展現。本研究旨在瞭解一般性青少年之增強權能意涵,並探討青少年權能感現況程度及影響青少年權能感的相關因素。
據此,本研究提出青少年增強權能之內涵與處遇策略、青少年教育或養育上之建議,以供社工、家長及學校參考。最後說明本研究之限制,並提供未來研究相關建議。 Adolescence is the important stage of “Into life” which means adolescent start to have the effect on their life. However, regarding adolescents as problems makes us hardly see the subjectivity of adolescents, and then the performance of empowerment may be influenced. This study attempted to understand the empowerment of adolescents, and to find out the extent and correlates of empowerment among them.
The study conducted a survey held by two stage sampling with the junior high and high school students in New Taipei city. In the end, 1319 questionnaries were analyzed. According to the literature, the probable correlates of empowerment included gender, age (grades), districts, family economic strain, satisfaction of life, social support (family support, peer support, school support), self-identity and critical thinking attitude. Data analysis methods used included descriptive analysis, T-test, ANOVA, correlations analysis and multiple regression analysis.
Concludes from the analysis:1. The extent of empowerment is moderate;the social-political power is the highest, but the external control power is the least. 2. The family economic strain is negatively correlated to the empowerment;Groups of high and low economic strain are correlated to empowerment in different aspects. 3. Adolescents expect there are chances of changing and gaining something new in their life;The satisfaction of life positively correlates to the empowerment. 4. Among social support, the peer support is highly correlated to the empowerment, but the school support is highly correlated to social-political aspect in empowerment. 5. The extent of self-identity about future achievements and career goals is low;The extent of self-identity is highly positively correlates to empowerment. 6. The critical thinking attitude among adolescent is moderate-high;The critical thinking attitude positively correlates to empowerment. 7. The multiple regression analysis showed that self-identy, critical thinking attitude, peer support and teacher support were the most important factors of empowerment among adolescents.
According to the conclusion, this study recommended some strategies and methods of social work intervention, education and parenting for social workers, parents and teachers. Finally, we discuss the limitations of the study and the recommendations for future research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 104264003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104264003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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