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    Title: 網路使用對人際互動的影響-不同文化環境的比較研究
    The influence of internet use on interpersonal interaction-a comparative study of different cultural environments
    Authors: 吳佩儒
    Wu, Pei-Ju
    Contributors: 李仲彬

    Lee, Chung-Pin
    Chu, Pin-Yu

    Wu, Pei-Ju
    Keywords: 人際互動
    Interpersonal interaction
    National culture
    Internet using behaviors
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 10:03:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   隨著資訊與通訊科技的快速發展與廣泛應用,網際網路日益普及,使得民眾在日常生活中諸多事務越來越依靠網路,進而帶來數位化的生活模式及互動型態,近年來,社群網站、即時通訊軟體等社交平台的大量出現,使得許多民眾開始利用網路來拓展其人際關係與管理其友誼網絡。此外,過去在探討網路使用與人際互動的文獻中,鮮少針對網路使用者所處的國家文化與環境背景加以分析,然而,人類所從事的行為會受到其生存的環境脈絡與文化價值觀所影響。以此為前提,本研究的主要目的在於檢視網路使用對人際互動的影響,以及探討不同文化環境下的民眾對於起網路使用行為有何差異。
     With the rapid development of information and communication technology, people are getting more and more rely on the Internet in daily life, which contribute to the digital lifestyle and interactive patterns. In recent years, large numbers of Online Socializing Platform, such as community sites, instant messenger, etcare making people begin to use the Internet to expand their relationships and manage their friendship network. In the past, the literatures on the use of Internet and interpersonal interaction were rarely analyzed for the national culture and environmental background of Internet users. However, the behavior of human beings will be affected by the context and cultural values that they live on. In this premise, the main objective of this study is to examine the impact of Internet use on interpersonal interaction and to explore the differences in behavior between people from different cultural environment.
     The study, with literature review, has sorted out the internet using behaviors and friendship network development of the relevant literature, as well as the relevant concepts of national culture and aspect, including the relationship between cultural differences and interpersonal relationships, the relationship between national culture and internet using behaviors. The method of this study is secondary data analysis, data were collected from the survey of World Internet Project. Class-based logistic regression analysis was then proceeded to to discuss correlation between internet using behaviors and interpersonal interaction with the comparison of cultures from different countries.
     Overall results show that Internet use motivation can be divided into three types, including instrumental motivation, social motivation and entertaining motivation. While social motivation has significant positive correlation on interpersonal interaction, it means the use of the network and the rise of social networks provide people with more interactive platform and pipeline, and enhance the interpersonal interaction. Based on the analytical results, when the national culture belongs to the oriental culture, social motivation will have a stronger impact on interpersonal interaction under the influence of national culture. In other words, national culture as a moderator variable has different effects on internet using behaviors and interpersonal interaction.
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