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    Title: 銀行業盈餘平穩化對於盈餘資訊性之影響
    Does bank income smoothing affect earnings informativeness?
    Authors: 莊馥瑄
    Contributors: 詹凌菁
    Keywords: 盈餘平穩化
    Income smoothing
    Loan loss provision (LLP)
    Fair value accounting
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 09:42:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文之研究目的係驗證銀行管理當局是透過盈餘平穩化,增加盈餘對於未來盈餘的訊息,抑或是操控會計數字從而降低盈餘品質。本文採用兩種指標衡量盈餘平穩化:裁決性的貸款損失準備與公允價值第二等級與第三等級輸入值。以美國銀行作為本論文的樣本標的,經由實證結果發現,盈餘平穩化程度較高的銀行其股價能反映更多未來盈餘的資訊,顯示著平穩化程度會增加銀行當期盈餘對於未來盈餘的預測能力。除此之外,本文依照銀行規模與業務特性,分別比較大小銀行;商業銀行與儲蓄機構,個別探討盈餘平穩化和盈餘資訊性間的關聯。
    This paper investigates whether bank income smoothing is due to communication of future earnings or opportunism to garble accounting numbers. I adopt two measures of bank income smoothing, i.e., discretionary loan loss provision and Level 2&3 fair value inputs. Using a sample of U.S. banks, I find that higher-smoothing banks’ current stock prices capture more information about their future earnings to a larger extent than those of lower-smoothing banks. Moreover, I separate the bigger banks from the small banks and differentiate commercial banks from saving institutions to particularly investigate the association between income smoothing and earnings informativeness.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043530071
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