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Title: | 金融科技(FinTech)創新策略之形成及執行 —以C企業為例 The Formation and Execution of Innovative Strategies in FinTech - Case Study of C Company |
Authors: | 黃閔珮 Huang, Min-Pei |
Contributors: | 吳安妮 黃閔珮 Huang, Min-Pei |
Keywords: | 金融科技 顧客價值主張 創新策略 策略性智慧資本 FinTech Customer value proposition Innovative strategy Strategic intellectual capital |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-10 09:40:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | FinTech不僅為金融產業熱門之議題,亦為未來金融產業發展之重大方向,因而多數金融機構投入大量資金作為FinTech相關業務之研發,但企業內部卻對策略發展方向毫無頭緒,導致資源應用不當之情況發生,因此本研究結合學術之工具,改善企業盲目投資之問題,使企業能依據顧客之需求提供全方位之解決方案。 本研究採用個案研究法,以我國金融控股公司領導品牌之一為研究對象,藉由與個案公司內部人員會談及其他公開管道蒐集相關資訊並加以分析,探討FinTech對顧客價值主張與金融產業現有業務所帶來之影響,並透過分析企業之自身內部優勢及外部機會形成以FinTech為主軸之創新策略,再進一步深入探討該創新策略之執行及其所衍生出之策略性智慧資本應如何進行管理。 FinTech is not only a hot issue but also a major direction for the future development of the financial industry. Most financial institutions have invested heavily in FinTech-related research and development, but they have no idea how to develop the strategy. This situation misguided valuable resource to wrong business. So, this research paper applies academic tools to provide a total solution for enterprises on investment based on customer needs. This research paper adopts case study method. The case company is a financial holding company in Taiwan, which is one of leading financial institution. In this year, discussing with company employees and analyzing related data to gauge the impact of customer value proposition of the existing financial industry. Creating an innovative strategy based on FinTech by evaluating the company’s internal strengths and external opportunities. Further, discussing on the implementation of the innovative strategy and how to manage intellectual capital derived from the innovative strategy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計學系 104353020 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104353020 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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