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    Title: 體驗行銷對顧客參與活動態度之研究 ─以《NSO 840 人鋼琴馬拉松音樂會》為例
    The study of the effect of experiential marketing on customers` attitude toward the activity participating:a case study of NSO piano marathon concert for 840 players
    Authors: 曾奕寧
    Tseng, Yi Ning
    Contributors: 樓永堅
    Tseng,Yi Ning
    Keywords: 體驗行銷
    Experiential marketing
    Experiential value
    Customer satisfaction
    Customer loyalty
    Performing arts activity
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-31 11:35:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   體驗行銷最早於1999年被Schmitt學者所提出,其概念為透過體驗媒介與策略體驗模組的相互搭配,創造出不同的體驗,使消費者能感同身受,進而創造美好的回憶並改變其態度與行為。根據過去文獻指出,不同的體驗將會產生不同的體驗價值,進而影響滿意度與忠誠度,此外,涉入程度亦為影響體驗價值產生之因素之一。因此,本研究以體驗行銷的角度出發,欲探討體驗行銷、涉入程度、體驗價值、滿意度與忠誠度五大構面之間的關係與影響程度。

      以往探討表演藝術體驗行銷之研究,多以被動聆賞式的表演型態為例,而國家交響樂團(NSO)於 2017 年 1 月 1 日所舉辦之《NSO 840人鋼琴馬拉松音樂會》,為主動參與式的體驗,其特色為參與者可同時扮演觀眾與表演者之角色。由於針對主動參與式的表演藝術體驗活動之研究較少,因此,本研究以《NSO 840 人鋼琴馬拉松音樂會》為例,探討顧客參與藝文活動的體驗對於整體態度的影響路徑,以補足過去主動參與式之藝文活動實證研究的不足,同時對未來藝文活動之主辦單位給予行銷策略之參考建議。

      The term” Experiential Marketing” was firstly developed from Schmitt’s study in 1999. As experience itself can happen in any industry or any stage of purchasing, it is important to understand the process of how customer creates value through different types of experience and how the experience influences the customers’ attitude and behavior. Previous studies also indicated that customer involvement may be another factor to influence the creation of experiential value.Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the relationship between experiential marketing, customer involvement, experiential value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

      The previous studies of experiential marketing in performing arts usually applied to passively-participating audience who only “watch” the performance without interacting with the performers. This paper takes ”NSO Piano Marathon Concert for 840 Players”, which features customers’ positively participating as being both the audience and the performers in the same activity, as a study case , trying to compliment the lack of empirical research in this type of experiential marketing.

      The study adopts the questionnaire survey method. The results of the analysis show that “Sensory and Emotive experience” has the most significant influence on experiential value and will indirectly influence customer satisfaction through the partial mediating effect by experiential value. Customer involvement will indirectly influence customer satisfaction through the partial mediating effect by experiential value. Customer satisfaction has a positive influence on customer loyalty. Therefore, the study suggests that the activity host put more attention to enhance the Sensory and Emotive experience by improving the attraction of stage layout, the whole traffic flow and the entertainment of activity. Meanwhile, enhancing the participants’ involvement will help increase the customer satisfaction as well.
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