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    Title: 東協反恐政策之研究
    ASEAN Counter-Terrorism Policy
    Authors: 林承葳
    Lin, Cheng-Wei
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Lin, Cheng-Wei
    Keywords: 非傳統安全
    Non-traditional security
    Counter-terrorism policy
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-31 11:24:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 冷戰結束後,由於科技與經濟全球化打破西伐利亞體系等因素,使恐怖主義等非傳統安全威脅成為國際安全領域之重要議題。自1990年代以降,東南亞恐怖主義發展在全球化、1980年代阿富汗戰爭造成之伊斯蘭教極端主義外溢效果、區域內國家伊斯蘭政權世俗化等因素影響下,逐漸激進化。2001年美國911恐怖攻擊事件後,伊斯蘭祈禱團等凱達組織盟友自2002年起,接連在印尼、菲律賓等東南亞國家發動多起重大恐怖攻擊;2014年伊斯蘭國崛起後,更刺激區域內恐怖主義發展。印尼、菲、馬、星等東協國家積極自軍警打擊、立法、制度,以及與美、澳等區域外國家合作等層面,強化各自反恐能量;東協則在「東協模式」之規範框架下,透由舉辦多邊會議、促成東協反恐公約,以及運用東協區域論壇等方式,企圖促成與會國家間對東南亞反恐議題之共識。
    During the post-Cold War era, non-traditional security threats including terrorism become crucial issues in the field of international security due to factors such as the breakthrough of Westphalia system via technological and economic globalization etc. Since 1990s, the development of terrorism in Southeast Asia is excerbating drastically owing to globalization, the spillover effect of the Islamic extremism caused by the Soviet War in Afghanistan during 1980s, the secularization of political power in some Southeast Asian nations. After 911 attack occurred in United States of Amerian in 2001, terrorist groups in Southeast Asia such as Jemaah Islamiyah carried out plenty of significant terrorist attacks in Indonesia and the Philippines. The rise of Islamic State in 2014 even agitated the development of terrorism in the region. Member states of Association of Southeast Asian Nations including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, progressively enhance their counter-terrorism capabilities via military strikes, legislation, the improvement of internal security system, and international counter-terrorism cooperation with extra regional countries including U.S.A., China, etc. ASEAN tries to agglomerate consensus among relevant states in the field of counter-terrorism via hosting international conferences, establishment of ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism, and ASEAN Regional Forum.
    This study discovers that the terrorist development in the Southeast Asia is an intramural security problem because of internal factors including the colonization history of some regional countries, for instance Indonesia, economic development and so on. The infiltration of Islamic State deteriorates the terrorism situation in the region. Regional countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines should include anti-extremism narrative; encourage moderate Muslims to join national counter terrorism policies, while consistently launching military strikes as the main axis of their counter-terrorism policies. ASEAN counter-terrorism policy would be impeded by its normative principles including ASEAN Way. ASEAN, thus, could barely encourage relevant states to build up consensus via dialogues concerning regional terrorist threats, but less likely to set up concrete and feasible counter-terrorism measures in the future.
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