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Title: | 住宅類綠建築評估項目對不動產估價調整率之影響 The influence of green building indicators to the percentage adjustment of appraisal on residential building |
Authors: | 曹妤 Tsao, Yu |
Contributors: | 孫振義 Sun, Chen Yi 曹妤 Tsao, Yu |
Keywords: | 綠建築 綠建築溢價 不動產估價 Green buildings Sales price premium Appraisal |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-31 11:17:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 為改善綠建築與售價之間的定錨效應,本研究以台灣EEWH綠建築評估系統為基礎,建構AHP分析層級程序法之問卷架構,共分為目標、面向、指標以及評估項目四大階層。透過第一階段以及第二階段問卷調查與分析,本研究初步得到不動產估價師平均願提高9.77%之綠建築願付價格,且住宅類綠建築中,價格影響權重較高者為室內環境、節能設備以及空調系統指標。 取得各評估項目的價格影響權重後,以相關分析、價格影響權重分析為基礎,篩選應謹慎考量其價格的評估項目,再輔以盒狀圖分析,將價格影響權重細分為若干加權等級,進而建立更加完善的住宅類綠建築估價應用總表,並提供不動產估價師於實務中使用。 最終,運用實證分析,本研究發現綠建築等級或總得分與溢價幅度具有中度以上的解釋力,當綠建築等級或總得分越高時,其溢價幅度亦隨之提高,然而,當綠建築施作至一定程度後,其上升的溢價幅度將有限;此外,以銀級為例時,同等級內的綠建築總得分與溢價幅度未具顯著解釋力,意旨同等級案例之總得分越高時,並無法解釋其溢價幅度將越大。本研究建議,當衡量綠建築之價格時,應依循本研究提供的應用總表,評估各綠建築的實質溢價情況,以提高綠建築案例於估價時的準確性。 In order to improve the anchoring effect between green building and selling price, this study based on the EEWH Green Building Assessment System in Taiwan, and constructed the questionnaire structure of AHP analysis hierarchy process which classified into four dimensions: Target, Orientation, Index and Element. Through the first stage and the second stage of the questionnaire survey, the higher weight of the price impact are the indexes of indoor environment, energy-saving equipment and air conditioning system. The average of willing to pay on the green buildings from the appraisals is around 9.77%. Based on the correlation analysis, the weight of price impact analysis and the box analysis, there are some elements which need to be subdivided into several weighting scale. After that, this study would establish a much more complete table called “the application table of residential green buildings.” It will provide for appraisers to use in practice as well. Finally, using the empirical analysis, this study found that there are moderate positive correlation between the levels or the total scores of green buildings and the price premium, which means the higher the green building level or the total score is, the greater the price premium is. However, when the green building level reach a certain extent, the increase on the prie premium will be limited. In addition, take the silver level for example. The total score of green buildings in the same level dose not have significant correlation with its price premium, which means the higher scores of green buildings in the same level can not explain the price premium will be greater. Therefore, this study suggests that green buildings should follow the application table provided in this study to measure the real premiums of the green buildings in order to improve the accuracy of the green building price at the time of appraisal. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 104257004 |
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