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Title: | 具SOAR結構化筆記功能之合作數位閱讀標註系統對於國小學生閱讀理解成效之影響研究 A study on the effects of collaborative reading annotation system with soar structured note function on reading comprehension performance |
Authors: | 陳怡君 Chen, Yi Chun |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen,Chih Ming 陳怡君 Chen,Yi Chun |
Keywords: | SOAR結構化筆記 合作閱讀標註 閱讀自我效能 閱讀理解成效 SOAR structured note Cooperative reading annotation Reading self-efficacy Reading comprehension performance |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-31 11:11:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 因應數位閱讀時代的來臨,在進行數位閱讀時,如何進行自我監控,協助學習者掌握閱讀技巧,特別是對於閱讀認知能力不足的小學兒童來說,在進行數位閱讀時更需要有完善的學習鷹架輔助,才能達到良好的閱讀成效。標註系統中也發展出許多不同機制來輔助閱讀,幫助提升學習者的閱讀動機與閱讀成效。但卻也發現學習容易著重在標註的量而忽略了標註的品質,反而無法提升其閱讀理解成效,在學習的過程中忽略了閱讀歷程與閱讀認知的適配性。因此,本研究在合作式數位閱讀標註系統上發展出一套基於閱讀標註支援更有效閱讀的「SOAR結構式筆記模組」,讓學習者於作筆記的過程中掌握文本的重點,幫助學習者提升其閱讀自我效能,希望可有效促進學習者在閱讀中有效的內化與重組,以提升閱讀理解的深度與成效。 本研究採單組實驗設計,探討學習者在使用具「SOAR結構化筆記模組」的「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」輔以閱讀學習的情境下,學習者的閱讀標註瀏覽行為、標註行為及SOAR筆記分數是否影響學生其閱讀自我效能、閱讀理解成效。此外,也針對不同性別與認知風格的學習者作探討。 研究結果發現: 1.在使用「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」支援閱讀的學習情境下,採用「SOAR結構化筆記模組」支援數位閱讀學習,其國小學生的標註行為、閱讀標註瀏覽行為及SOAR筆記分數與閱讀自我效能並無顯著相關2.女性學習者的自我效能與閱讀理解成效具有顯著高度正相關,並且具有線性迴歸之可預測性3.全體學習者的SOAR筆記分數與閱讀理解成具有顯著高度正相關,並且具有線性迴歸之可預測性4.男性學習者的SOAR筆記分數與閱讀理解成效具有顯著高度正相關,並且具有線性迴歸之可預測性5.對國小學生的閱讀理解成效具有顯著的提升6.對男性學習者與女性學習者的閱讀理解成效均具有顯著的提升7.對場地獨立型學習者與場地相依型的學習者的閱讀理解成效均具有顯著的提升。 最後,基於研究結果,本研究亦提出對教師及系統改良的建議,並提出幾個未來的研究方向,希望能對數位閱讀研究有所貢獻。 Abstract To cope with the digital reading era, self-monitoring to assist learners in grasping reading skills during digital reading, especially for the digital reading of elementary pupils with inadequate reading cognitive capabilities, perfect learning scaffolding is required for achieving good reading performance. There are many different mechanisms developed in annotation systems to assist in reading and help learners promote the reading motivation and reading performance. However, it is also discovered that the learning could easily focus on the quantity of annotation, but ignore the quality of annotation so that the reading comprehension performance could not be enhanced and the suitability of reading process and reading cognition in the learning process is ignored. For this reason, a reading annotation based “SOAR structured note module” for supporting effective reading is developed on the cooperative digital reading annotation system, allowing learners grasping the key points in the text during the noting process and helping learners promote the reading self-efficacy. It is expected to effectively advance the effective internalization and organization of learners in the reading in order to enhance the depth and performance of reading comprehension. With one-shot experimental design, the effect of learners’ reading annotation browsing behaviors, annotation behaviors, and SOAR note scores on the reading self-efficacy and reading comprehension performance, under the reading learning situation with “cooperative digital reading annotation system” with “SOAR structured note module”. Besides, gender and learners with different cognitive styles are also discussed in this study. The research findings are concluded as below. 1. Under the reading learning situation with the support of “cooperative digital reading annotation system”, elementary students applying “SOAR structured note module” to support the digital reading learning do not appear significant correlations between annotation behaviors, reading annotation browsing behaviors, SOAR note scores and reading self-efficacy. 2. Female learners’ self-efficacy and reading comprehension performance present remarkably and highly positive correlations, with the predictability of linear regression. 3. All learners’ SOAR note scores and reading comprehension performance show significantly and highly positive correlation, with the predictability of linear regression. 4. Male learners’ SOAR note scores and reading comprehension performance reveal notably and highly positive correlation, with the predictability of linear regression. 5. Elementary students’ reading comprehension performance is remarkably enhanced. 6. Both male and female learners’ reading comprehension performance is significantly enhanced. 7. Both field-independent and field-dependent learners’ reading comprehension performance is notably enhanced. Finally, suggestions for teachers and system improvement are proposed, based on the research results, in this study, and several research directions are also proposed for research on digital reading.
Key words: SOAR structured note; cooperative reading annotation; reading self-efficacy; reading comprehension performance |
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