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Title: | 烏克蘭裔移民在捷克融入過程之研究 A Study on the Integration Process of Ukrainian Immigrants in the Czech Republic |
Authors: | 蒲海琳 Popova, Helena Hsu |
Contributors: | 林永芳 Lin, Yung-Fang 蒲海琳 Helena Hsu Popova |
Keywords: | 捷克移民 同化政策 烏克蘭移民 Czech immigration policy Integration Ukrainian immigration Assimilation theory Immigration |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-24 12:18:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自從捷克斯洛伐克解體後,捷克境內的外籍人士數量不斷攀升,而多數的移民原因為經濟因素。雖然在預期上大多皆是暫時性移民,但統計顯示永久定居於捷克的外籍人士正逐漸增加當中。 本論文概述了1993年至2017年期間捷克的移民整合政策,論文中第二部分則著重於烏克蘭移民的融入過程,而烏克蘭移民為捷克境內最大的移民族群。作者應用了同化理論及整合的主要三個面向(社會經濟層面、文化層面、及政治層面),以檢視烏克蘭移民的融入程度。許多研究學者表示烏克蘭移民只是暫時性移民,最終還是會回歸烏克蘭。本文作者指出,有鑑於烏克蘭的經濟政治現況,許多烏克蘭移民已永久定居,並融入捷克的社會當中。 探究本論文中的三個研究問題可幫助了解捷克境內的移民狀況以及烏克蘭族群的融入程度。作者研究了相關文本,並對烏克蘭移民進行半結構式調查,最終得到以下結論:烏克蘭移民已相當程度融入捷克社會。他們仍舊受雇於專屬於他們的「特別」部門,但在工資方面並沒有受到不平等對待。針對捷克的價值與規範,他們抱持正面的態度,但同時也遵循烏克蘭的傳統及節日。作者更指出烏克蘭移民在捷克語能力的進步及得到合法居留的准許可幫助他們融入捷克社會。 Abstract Since the split of the Czechoslovakia, the number of foreigners in the Czech Republic has been growing. The majority of immigration to the country is due to economic reasons. Although it has been expected that the majority of immigration to the country is temporary, the statistics show that the number of foreigners, who is settling in the Czech Republic permanently, is increasing. This thesis summarizes the immigration and integration policies in the Czech Republic in the time period 1993-2017. The second part of this thesis focuses the integration process of Ukrainian immigrants, who are the largest immigrant community in the Czech Republic. The author applies the assimilation theory and mainly three dimensions of integration (socio-economic, cultural, and political) to examine the level of integration of the Ukrainian immigrants. Many researchers claim that Ukrainians are temporary immigrants, who would eventually go back to Ukraine. The author suggests that due to the economic and political situation in Ukraine, many Ukrainian immigrants have settled in the Czech Republic permanently and have integrated into the Czech society. Answering three research questions helps to understand the immigration situation in the Czech Republic and the integration level of the Ukrainian community. The author has studied relevant literature and has conducted semi-structured interviews with Ukrainian immigrants. The author has concluded that Ukrainian immigrants have integrated into the Czech society to some extend. They are still employed in their “niche” sectors, but not discriminated in pay. They have positive attitudes towards Czech values and norms, but still follow their Ukrainian traditions and holidays. The author suggests that improvement in Czech language skills and obtaining a legal residence status improves the integration of immigrants. |
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