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Title: | 租買選擇對儲蓄行為之影響:大陸地區之實證分析 |
Authors: | 賴柏升 |
Contributors: | 林祖嘉 賴柏升 |
Keywords: | 租買選擇 強迫儲蓄 家戶支出 Tenure choice Forced saving Households’ expenditure |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-24 12:16:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 租買選擇對於家戶來說是一件十分重要的家庭決策。當家戶決定購屋時,由於購屋支出是一筆極大的支出,勢必會影響到家戶各方面的支出,如食衣住行育樂等。。另一方面家戶需要多儲蓄以因應未來房屋的支出。 本文根據中國家庭金融調查(CHFS)的資料,將中國的家戶分為三種租買選擇分別為租屋、買屋有貸款、買屋無貸款。首先,我們先估計中國家戶的租買選擇,接著我們利用Heckman二階段模型估計租買選擇對於中國家戶儲蓄的影響。我們發現inverse Mill’s ratio的結果為顯著說明了在估計儲蓄函數是該考慮家戶的租買選擇。另外其他家戶特性的變數也有所變化,這些結果說明了如果不將租買選擇考慮進去 儲蓄行為的估計結果會有偏誤。 Tenure choice is a very important decision for households. When the household decide to buy a house, it will have a heavily effect on the household’s spending, including food, clothes, transportation, education, and leisure, and so on. On the other hand, household have to save more money to meet housing expenses. Applying a data set from “China Household finance Survey” (CHFS) and separating Chinese households with three types of tenure choice, namely, renters, owner-occupied with loan payment, and owner-occupied without loan payment. First, we estimate the tenure choice of Chinese households. And then we use Heckman two-stage model to estimate how tenure choice affect household saving behavior. We find that the coefficient of inverse Mill’s ratio are significant. And the coefficient of household characters have some different from traditional model. The result show that if we don’t consider the tenure choice of household, the household’s saving behavior we estimate will be biased. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經濟學系 104258035 |
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