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    Title: 工作壓力和倦怠:激勵是否可影響台灣電子產業員工的留職意願?
    Job pressures and burnout: does motivation affect employees’ retention intention in Taiwan’s electronic industry?
    Authors: 李柏樺
    Lee, Benjamin
    Contributors: 何小台
    Ho, Chester
    Lee, Benjamin
    Keywords: 工作壓力
    Job pressures
    Retention intention
    Taiwan’s electronic industry
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-24 12:08:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Background- During recent decades, more and more employers of Taiwan especially electronic industry utilise the system of job responsibility to apparently cause working hours of Taiwan has been longer than other developed and developing countries in the world. Thus, more and more employees are aware of they are working in the environment where is surrounding by high pressure.
    Purpose- This study aims to explore the relation among job pressure, burnout, retention intention, and motivation in electronic industry of Taiwan. Especially, it will focus on seeing whether the motivation can moderate the negative impacts of job pressure and burnout as a feasible solution.
    Research Design- This research is going to send the questionnaires through Google Forms to all current full-time employees in an Electronic Industries company of Taiwan, Winmate Inc. This research had received over than 500 valid questionnaires. All collected data were analysed by using SPSS22 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to find out the relation among the variables mentioned in this study.
    Conclusion- Job pressure and burnout both have significant negative consequences causing employees’ low retention intention. However, the employees’ retention intention can be encouraged by motivation practice that is crucial to reach the high level of organisations’ competitiveness. Thus, organisations should continuously revisit, reflect, and improve their existing policies and practices to develop a more brilliant work environment for employees as a long-term goal of retaining.
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