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Title: | 精品傢俱傢飾產業的4C策略行銷分析─以新創自有品牌PER.S為例 Strategic marketing analysis of boutique home furnishing industry in 4C framework: a case of an qwn start-up brand PER.S |
Authors: | 侯芯巧 |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 侯芯巧 |
Keywords: | 4C策略行銷架構 精品傢俱傢飾產業 自創品牌 4C framework of strategic marketing Analysis Boutique home furnishing Industry Start-up brand |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-24 12:07:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣有完整的傢俱傢飾上下游產業,具工藝技術豐沛的供給端的優勢,但缺乏品牌力量的整合帶動產業發展。PER.S希望建立台灣傢俱傢飾的精品品牌,整合國內外具精湛工藝技術的傢俱傢飾廠,為顧客量身訂做客製化產品或做系統性的整合式居家商品。
PER.S以台灣自有品牌走入國際為目標,規劃三個策略發展階段;本文以4C架構分析推動精品傢俱傢飾品牌面臨的策略行銷成本,希望藉由4C架構分析PER.S各發展階段所面臨的外顯單位效益成本與內隱成本,協助PER.S掌握各階段所面臨的市場狀況,以期更穩健的推動發展。 The industrial chain of home furnishing industry in Taiwan is quite complete and with high level of technique. But until now, there is no local home furnishing brand in Taiwan to promote industrial development. That is the reason why the start-up brand-PER.S launched. PER.S’s goal is being a international brand by integrating the factories which have high level techniques and providing high-end customized products or systemic home products.
In order to reach the goal, PER.S plans three strategic development phase. Hoping that by using 4C framework of strategic marketing to analyze the external and internal transaction cost of PER.S’s three strategic development phase, could help PER.S control the cost of every phase to reach the goal with firm steps. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 商管專業學院碩士學位學程(AMBA) 99380009 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099380009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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