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Title: | 韓日慰安婦協議:尚未解決的問題 The ROK-Japan comfort women agreement: an unresolved issue |
Authors: | 劉柔拿 Liu, Yuna Esther |
Contributors: | 李明 Lee, Ming 劉柔拿 Liu, Yuna Esther |
Keywords: | 日本 韓國 慰安婦 協議 慰安婦協議 Japan South Korea Comfort women Agreement Comfort women agreement |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-11 12:13:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2015 年年底,⽇本與韓國政府迅速發表有關慰安婦議題的協議。雖然此協 議在國際上獲得讚揚,然⽽卻引起韓國⼈民、慰安婦及⽀持者們的嚴厲批判。 這「最終定案」的協議被視為對犧牲者的背叛,於是幾百位韓國抗議⼈民,包 括慰安婦,⾛上街頭並譴責協議。簡⾔之,慰安婦議題橫亙韓⽇兩國之間且相 當棘⼿。過去幾⼗年,韓國⼈民對於⽇本的道歉感到不滿。因此本論⽂將探究 韓國⼈對於⽇本道歉持續不滿的原因。本研究會依循2015 年協議無效,並進⼀ 步揭露協議真正的⽬的。本論⽂以質量分析研討諸多學術性期刊、報告等資 料。 At the end of year 2015, Japanese and South Korean governments announced a quick agreement over the long-standing issue of “comfort women.” While the agreement won international praises, it raised sharp criticisms from the South Korean citizens, the former comfort women and their supporters. This “final and irreversible” deal was seen as a betrayal of the victims, leading hundreds of South Korean protesters including former comfort women out on the street to denounce the deal. The comfort women issue remained a stubbornly unsolvable issue between the two countries. For the past decades, South Korean people were never satisfied with Japan’s past apologies. This thesis aims to study the reasons behind South Korean people’s constant dissatisfaction towards Japan’s allegations; to trace the ineffectiveness 2015 agreement; and to reveal the true purpose behind the agreement. This thesis is based on qualitative analysis of various scholarly books, journals and reports relevant to the topic at hand. |
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