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Title: | 錄影監視系統建置數量對治安影響程度之探討-以臺北市為例 The determinants of the number of closed-circuit television`s configuration for the extent of the public security impact : the case of Taipei City in 2005-2015 |
Authors: | 王中正 |
Contributors: | 陳鎮洲 王中正 |
Keywords: | 錄影監視系統 犯罪預防 Closed-circuit television (CCTV) Crime prevention |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-11 12:08:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 鑒於科技建警時代來臨,錄影監視系統運用範圍越來越廣泛,加上媒體大幅報導使用成效,導致新增議題持續不斷發生。本文先以預防犯罪角度探究錄影監視系統建置成因、運用及維護管理模式,取臺北市12個行政區2005年至2015年間各式刑案發生數,採竊盜案件發生數、強盜搶奪案件發生數及違反偽造文書印文案件發生數為被解釋變數,其中對照組為偽造文書印文案件發生數,監視器總數量為主要解釋變數,輔以守望相助組織、員警人數等與警政業務相關及多數犯罪實證研究文獻較常使用之解釋變數,從縱斷面及橫斷面的資料進行觀察,再透過「追蹤資料」(Panel Data)並運用「最小平方法」(Ordinary least squares,OLS)、固定效果模型及隨機效果模型進行資料分析,評估錄影監視系統數量配置上差異是否與刑案發生數有顯著關聯,藉以探討錄影監視系統建置數量多寡對於治安影響的程度。 研究發現,根據最小平方法的估計,監視器總數量與竊盜案件發生數呈負的顯著關聯,與強盜搶奪案件發生數及偽造文書印文案件發生數則無顯著關聯,顯示錄影監視系統僅對於特定類型刑案發生有犯罪預防效果,運用錄影監視系統雖然有利於破獲強盜搶奪案件,但在預防強盜搶奪案件發生效果並不顯著,同時驗證臺北市在錄影監視系統數量分配上並非僅以轄區人口數、土地面積及暴力、竊盜案件平均發生數為基礎。最後,本研究建議警政機關在錄影監視系統配置上應視影響刑案發生數之因素分配,如做整體預防犯罪決策應多考慮其他社會因子,在未來設置時,應適時變更宣導方向提高民眾治安滿意度,並針對系統設備有效管理維護,因時因地制宜,經由整合公私部門提高覆蓋率,以減少治安死角。 In view of the coming of technical police age, the Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is applied more and more broadly. With the greatly reported effects by the press, new issues keep emerging. This article discovers the coming reasons, application and managed modes behind CCTV. We adopt the statics of the offense known to the police, larcenies, forceful taking and forgery from 2005 to 2015 among 12 districts in Taipei City as the dependent variable, the number of the forgery as the control group, and the number of monitors as the main response variable. We also take commonly used response variables in mutual help organizations, the number of the relevant police duties , and research papers of criminal evidence to observe the information vertically and horizontally , then conduct data analysis via Panel Data, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Fixed Effect Model and Random Effect Model and estimate if there’s connection between the number of CCTV and criminal cases to see if the number of CCTV and has any impact on the public order. The research shows that the number of CCTV has significantly negative relevance with the larcenies, while forceful taking and forgery go opposite, according to the estimation of OLS. It shows that CCTV has positive influence on criminal prevention only to certain criminal cases. CCTV is benefit busting forceful taking, but not preventing it. Nevertheless, it proves that the distribution of CCTV in Taipei City isn’t just based on the district population, area, violence and the avg. number of force taking simultaneously. Finally, we suggest that Police Agency & Subordinate Branch allot CCTV depending on the factors of criminal cases. For example, considering more sociocultural factor when making decisions about criminal prevention and changing the ways of propaganda timely to improve the public order satisfaction. Furthermore, managing and maintaining system facilities effectively and change tactics as the situation and time demand to reduce the high crime rates by integrating public and private sectors and higher coverage. |
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