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Title: | 台灣法人科專計畫與科技部計畫之資源錯置研究:以專利價值指標為研發產出 Misallocation of technology development programs and ministry of science and Technology’s programs: using patent value index as the R&D output |
Authors: | 王郁棋 Wang, Yu Chi |
Contributors: | 王信實 李文傑 王郁棋 Wang, Yu Chi |
Keywords: | 法人科專計畫 科技部計畫 專利 資源配置效率 TDP MOST Patent Innovation efficiency |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-11 12:03:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年創新研發相關文獻指出創新政策可能因政策不一致性及資源被不適任者所佔有等因素而宣告失敗。其中「資源錯置」此議題乃最為大眾所關注,因此本研究採用Hsieh and Klenow(2009)的資源配置效率模型以檢視台灣兩大科技計畫─「法人科專計畫」與「科技部計畫」是否有資源錯置之情事,以確保我國科技計畫之成效。結果指出,科技部計畫之資源配置效率相對於法人科專計畫較為不穩定,主因為科技部計畫執行機構多為學術型機構,其專利產值較易浮動。研究後續進一步分析兩大計畫底下各機構之扭曲程度。法人科專部份,工研院長期為正向扭曲,中科院則長期為負向扭曲,其正負之差異源自於機構的研發屬性不同;科技部計畫部份,各機構扭曲程度波動較大,乃受到機構研究目的與發表形式差異所導致。本文受限於利用專利作為產出衡量,無法提供科技部計畫全面性的評估觀點。未來若能納入人文社會科學領域且綜合其他學術指標做為產出衡量,將能提供更完整的科技部計畫資源配置效率分析,提供更精確之政策建議。 Past literature has sounded an alarm to the failure of innovation and warned that policy inconsistency and misallocated innovation inputs as two major reasons to fail innovation. Since Taiwanese government had consistent support over research and development via policy support, this research has focused on the issues of innovation input distortions. In this thesis, the "Technology Development Program (TDP)" supported by Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) as well as endowment projects financed by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) are utilized as the research target to investigate the innovation efficiency. The results in this research suggest that TDP has stably higher performance than the MOST-financed projects. TDP projects are executed as more business-related uses while MOST-financed projects usually focus more on the fundamental technological breakthroughs. Besides, the results also suggest that the innovation objectives set by different institutions are crucial to the current innovation efficiency measure. For example, the TDP projects executed by Industrial Technology Research Institute, a commercial technology developer, record less distortions than other TDP projects granted to other institutions responsible for national defense development. This would shed light on the more aligned innovation objective setup and the following innovation resource allocation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經濟學系 104258005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104258005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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