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    题名: 近代早期英格蘭人眼中的愛爾蘭
    Early modern Ireland in the English`s view
    作者: 侯家榆
    Hou, Jia-Yu
    贡献者: 林美香
    Lin, May-Shine
    Hou, Jia-Yu
    关键词: 愛爾蘭
    The other
    日期: 2017
    上传时间: 2017-07-11 11:52:12 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本文研究對象「愛爾蘭」,在此扮演著一個「他者」的角色,其形象對於近代早期英格蘭人的身分意識具有獨特的意義。十六世紀晚期至十七世紀早期,英格蘭對愛爾蘭的統治狀態從「征服」演變到「殖民」,在文化上,始終保持著一種隔閡又親密的關係,殖民英格蘭人觀看愛爾蘭的眼光,不僅摻融了許多政治、文化想像,也混雜了英格蘭人對於自我形象的凝視。

    The early modern English, whose motives go far beyond intellectual pursuits, introduced Ireland and its people through writings, maps, and images. In such a manner, English re-identified Irish as a wild, uncivil “other” in the process of conquest and plantation during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.

    This study is literally a study of “the way of seeing.” The portrayal of the Irish character, customs and landscapes not only reveals English’s representation of the other, but also indicates a self-reflective image of the “Englishness.” This paper thus attempts to explain why “defining the other” became important to one’s identity, and to examine how cultural imaginations, misunderstanding and appropriations were developed through interaction. I seek to reconsider especially the bidirectionality and hybridity of cultural interaction in the context of colonial relationship.
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