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    题名: 印尼礦業股市指數分析:其效率研究
    Indonesian mining index analysis: an efficiency study
    作者: 姚翰耀
    Sudiro, Elroy
    贡献者: 郭維裕
    Kuo, George
    Sudiro, Elroy
    关键词: 指數分析
    Index analysis
    Efficient portfolio
    Equally weighted portfolio
    Minimum variance portfolio
    日期: 2017
    上传时间: 2017-07-11 11:47:59 (UTC+8)
    摘要: Most indexes use a cap-weighted strategy as the asset allocation method. Many researchers suggest that although the cap-weighted strategy often serves as an appropriate surrogate to the market portfolio, it cannot consistently outperform other portfolio weighting strategies. The main reasons behind it would be related to the market movement and the underlying volatility. It is possible to narrow down the scope of the research by focusing on an industry index as was done in this research. The focus would be on the mining index of Indonesia.
    Comparisons will be done between the established index to other portfolio weighting schemes, namely the equally weighted portfolio and the minimum variance portfolio. The results of the research was that the index was not quite efficient, both on the returns and the Sharpe or information ratio aspect. There are many possible reasons behind this, but the most possible reasons would be that the stocks included do not contribute to diversification, over focus on the coal industry, lack of rebalancing or restructuring, in addition to the market itself. The implication of this research would be that stock exclusion might also contribute to risk minimization.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104933035
    数据类型: thesis
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