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Title: | 銀行業社群媒體行銷模式之訊息策略探究 -以FACEBOOK粉絲專頁為例 A study of social media marketing strategy adopted by banking industry-The case of Facebook Fan page |
Authors: | 陳安婕 Chen, An Jie |
Contributors: | 陳威光 李桐豪 Chen, Wei Guang Lee, Tong Hao 陳安婕 Chen, An Jie |
Keywords: | 臉書 粉絲專頁 社群媒體 社群行銷 銀行業 Facebook Fan page Social media Social marketing Banking industry |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-11 11:32:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 社群行銷為互動性與即時性很高的行銷模式,對企業而言日趨重要。透過良好的社群媒體經營,可以使企業提高討論聲量與品牌價值,進而帶動銷售達到透過網路引導購買而獲利的效果。故如何善加利用現今最成功的社群媒體Facebook粉絲專頁是企業行銷的成功關鍵因素之一。 本研究鎖定銀行業做研究主體,擷取2016年整年度的資料以個案分析法的方式深入探討台灣前五名銀行業粉絲專頁之經營方式與互動程度。本研究透過類目建構中的分類標準包含多媒體運用性、資訊性、顧客支援性、組織設定做官方貼文的訊息策略分析,瞭解其優勢策略和品牌區隔。本文並以粉絲專頁定義的KPI指標和數據的量化分析,運用多元回歸分析整合五間粉絲專頁資訊,歸納出銀行業在台灣成功的粉絲專頁之行銷模式。 根據以上分析之經營數據與國外粉絲專頁案例,本研究針對官方貼文的內容面給予較理想的粉絲專頁經營策略,以影片類型和抽獎活動主題為主軸並搭配其他貼文模式可以提升粉絲的總反應程度,本文之行銷建議讓台灣銀行業未來社群行銷發展能更有效率且提升整體商業價值。故本研究之分析架構可以運用到不同的產業類型中給予經營參考,未來後續研究也可以再加入不同反應變數或不同的社群媒體做更深入更全面性的社群媒體品牌經營。 Social media marketing is an highly interative and high-quality maketing method, It is more important for interprises these days. By running a well social media can improve the business popularity and brand value, or even drive sales to increase profit. So how to make good use of most popular social media Facebook Fan page is the key to success of business marketing. The study focuses on the banking industry, using content analysis to explore the 2016 entire year’s data of the top five bank’s fanpage in Taiwan. Through category of construction classification, the study analysis the type, theme, interation and time of official posts to understand its advantages and strategies. Furthermore, the study uses muti regression to sum up the successful fan page marketing model of banking industry in Taiwan. Based on the above analysis of operating data and success cases in foreign countries, the study hopes to provide more ideal business proposals so that the development of social media in Taiwanese banking industy can be more efficient and enhance the commercial value. Therefore, the analysis structure of the study can be applied to different types of industries to give reference for business, the future studies can also add different variables or other social media to do more comprehecsive social media brand management. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 金融學系 104352028 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104352028 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [Department of Money and Banking] Theses
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