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    Title: 業配文與產品購買意願之研究:信號理論觀點
    Sponsored posts and consumer purchase intention: a signaling theory perspective
    Authors: 曹靖
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Keywords: 電子口碑
    Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM)
    Sponsored post
    Signaling theory
    Product attitude
    Purchase intention
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-11 11:23:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,隨著網際網路及線上社群日益普及,電子口碑的影響力迅速壯大。有鑑於這樣的趨勢,許多廠商開始尋找具有一定人氣的公眾人物或網路紅人為產品撰寫業配文。做為一種相對新穎的行銷方式,業配文同時兼具一般電子口碑的特性與產品代言的商業色彩。正因為它並非單純自發性的使用心得分享,許多消費者仍對其可信度有所疑慮,且大眾對其之觀感亦差異甚大。
    本研究遂以信號理論(Signaling Theory)的觀點出發,將業配文撰文者視為信號傳遞者(Signaler)、文章內容視為信號本身(Signal)、消費者視為信號接收者(Receiver)、承載文章之平台視為信號環境(Signaling Environment),探討此四大面向中可能影響消費者文章信任、產品態度與購買意願之因素。
    In recent years, the impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has surged due to the prevalence of the Internet and social media. In response to this phenomenon, many firms have been inviting public figures or Internet celebrities to write sponsored (blog) posts for certain products. Sponsored posts, in substance, lie somewhere between solely spontaneous sharing of personal experiences and actual endorsements. Hence, many consumers still take sponsored posts with a grain of salt and remain skeptical of their authenticity as well as trustworthiness.
    This research builds upon Signaling Theory by adopting the concept of “Signaler”, “Signal”, “Receiver”, and “Signaling Environment”, and aims at clarifying some possible factors that may influence consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, product attitude and purchase intention.
    Among the independent variables, “Similarity between Writer and Consumer”, “Writer’s Reputation”, “Content Truthfulness”, and “Media Credibility” are significantly positively correlated with consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, which then positively influences consumers’ product attitude and purchase intention. Meanwhile, “Media Vividness” and “Media Interactivity” also contribute significantly to consumers’ product attitude. Other factors involved, the mediating effect of trust, as well as the moderating effect of “Consumer’s Personality” and “Consumer’s Past Experiences” are further discussed in this research.
    Reference: 【中文部分】
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