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    Title: 50歲以上國民對網路購物平台忠誠度之研究
    Customer loyalty to online shopping platforms: people over 50 years old in Taiwan
    Authors: 余嘉蕙
    Yu, Chia Hui
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Chiou, Jyh Shen
    Yu, Chia Hui
    Keywords: 人群接觸偏好
    Preference of human contact
    Shopping motivation
    Perceived risk
    Relationship quality
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-11 11:22:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究由科技接受度模型為出發點,探討台灣50歲以上國民對於網路購物平台的使用習慣及態度,加入不同的外部因素分析,包含人群接觸偏好、自我實踐、認知有用、認知易用、購物動機、知覺風險及關係品質,目的在於了解不同的外部因素對此一族群最後是否會回到同一個購物平台購買商品之影響,意即對網路購物平台產生忠誠度,並且加入寂寞感作為使用者態度與忠誠度之間的調節變數。採用問卷調查法隨機抽樣,同時發放紙本及網路問卷,有效回收173份,網路回收效果較佳,佔有效問卷的84%。


    The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of various external factors, including preference of human contact, self-actualization, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, shopping motivation, perceived risk, relationship quality and loneliness on consumer attitude toward online shopping and customer loyalty to the particular online shopping platform. We studied the relationship among the variations by using paper-based survey and the online survey. Our target participants were the people who over 50 years old in Taiwan.

    The data supports the following findings: if the consumer who has higher self-actualization would more likely agree that using online shopping platform to buy goods is useful. However, if the consumer has a higher preference for human contact will have a negative impact on perceived usefulness. Besides, to increase consumer`s desire to use online shopping, we should notice that decreasing consumer’s perceived risk such as secure payment service and clear return rules and build a reliable customer relationship are crucial.

    That means, in addition to giving discounts to attract this group of consumers, online shopping platform company should also pay attention to consumer feelings. In the end, limitations and suggestions to future studies were provided.
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