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    Title: 一帶一路與中國大陸能源安全的未來
    One Belt One Road and the future of Chinese energy security
    Authors: 林凱文
    Lin, Kaiwen
    Contributors: 鄧中堅
    Teng, Chung-Chian
    Lin, Kaiwen
    Keywords: 中國大陸能源安全
    Chinese energy security
    One Belt One Road
    Belt and Road Initiative
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-04 09:50:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 一帶一路倡議是中國最近的經濟發展策略,其目的是透過基礎設施發展和貿易,將中國與歐亞大陸的其他國家連結在一起。儘管並非單純為了能源所規劃的策略,但是倡議的組成部分對中國提供日增的能源需求扮演了一個角色。
    本論文透過與1990 年代末中國走出去策略之比較,在中國能源需求的大架構下,檢驗一帶一路倡議。為評估一帶一路倡議對中國能源安全的影響,本論文首先界定中國對能源安全的見解,然後分析一帶一路計畫如何應對中國對能源安全的關切。
    The Belt and Road Initiative is China’s latest economic development strategy, which seeks to connect China to the rest of Eurasia through infrastructure development and trade. While not a dedicated energy strategy, components of the initiative will play a role in meeting China’s growing energy needs.
    This paper examines the Belt and Road Initiative in the greater context of China’s energy policy by comparing it to China’s “going-out” strategy of the late 1990s. It assesses the impact that Belt and Road projects will have on China’s energy security by first defining how China views its energy security and then analyzing how Belt and Road projects address China’s energy security concerns.
    This paper finds that the Belt and Road Initiative can be considered a successor to the“going-out” strategy. It also finds that China views energy security primarily through the lens of supply, and that Belt and Road projects such as port and pipeline construction contribute by ensuring reliability of transport.
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