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Title: | 歐盟與中國關係的文化面向: 從一帶一路的影響分析 The cultural aspect of EU-China relations: the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative |
Authors: | 甜蜜蜜 Traverso, Miriam |
Contributors: | 冷則剛 Leng, Tse-Kang 甜蜜蜜 Miriam Traverso |
Keywords: | 一帶一路 中國與歐盟關係 文化關係 文化外交 Belt and Road Initiative BRI OBOR EU-China relations Cultural relations Cultural diplomacy |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-04 09:49:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 以絲綢之路作為文明接觸的和平場域為概念,探討中國正在推動「一帶一路」─以連結中歐為終極目標的道路、基礎設施、投資、政策互聯及人民交流網路─的全新重大外交體系。針對當前國際地緣政治的環境,中歐領導人近期確實強調了布魯塞爾與北京關係的重要性。儘管如此,很多中歐關係的專家也指出這種夥伴關係,還沒有達到雙方所預期的那樣快速及深刻。 本文的第一個研究問題「進一步發展中歐關係的障礙是什麼,以及如何克服這些障礙?」,便是基於對此國際情勢的考量。透過建構主義理論,本文對深化中歐關係的真正障礙進行討論,認為這些障礙來自於中歐人民身份、價值觀與文化的差異,並提出促進中歐人民之間的文化交流來加強中歐關係的可行方案。因此,本文提出第二個研究問題,「一帶一路在中歐文化關係中扮演什麼角色?」,對前項結論接續探討,發現由於一帶一路為中歐雙方提供了文化專案及人際交流合作的動機和框架,因此這一政策對中歐關係具有正面影響的潛質。 本文的最後兩個研究問題「一帶一路將帶給歐洲怎樣的風險與利益?」與「歐盟應如何應對一帶一路?」是相互關聯的。通過對一帶一路將帶來的風險與利益的分析,筆者對中歐雙方如何更有效地推進一帶一路提出了一些政策建議,其中重點分析了歐盟領導人如何與中方開展合作,並認為歐盟必須回應中國的倡議,與之合作,確保中歐雙方實現共贏、對國際規範的遵守、以及幫助中國保持一帶一路所經之地的穩定。 By recalling the idea of the Silk Road as a place of peaceful encounter of civilizations, China is promoting its new, major diplomatic outreach system called the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a network of roads, infrastructures, investments, policy connections and people to people exchanges with the final objective of connecting the PRC to Europe. Indeed, in view of the current international geopolitical circumstances, the Chinese and European leaders are recently emphasizing the importance of the Brussels-Beijing relationships. Nonetheless, many experts complain that this partnership has not yet developed as fast and deeply as the two sides originally hoped. This leads to the first research question addressed in the thesis:"which are the obstacles to a deeper EU-China partnership and how to overcome them and improve the overall relations?". By borrowing the constructivist theories, this thesis argues that the real obstacle to deepening the China-EU partnership are the differences in identities, values and culture, and that the improvement of the people to people and cultural interactions will enhance the general bilateral relations. Consequently, the second research question is "which role does BRI play in the China-EU cultural relations?". BRI has the potential to have a positive impact on their relations by providing a new framework and incentives for the collaboration on cultural projects and people to people interactions. The last two research questions are related to each other: "what are the risks and benefits that BRI will bring to the EU?" and "how should the European Union respond to BRI?". By analyzing the risks and benefits that will derive from the implementation of BRI, the author provides some policy suggestions to both sides on how to efficiently implement BRI, and especially to EU leaders on how to cooperate with their Chinese counterparts: the EU should definitely cooperate in the Chinese initiative, to ensure a win-win outcome for all, to guarantee the respect of the international norms and to help the PRC maintain the stability in the areas crossed by the BRI network. |
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