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    Title: 中國一帶一路倡議:空洞口號或有效政策? 新疆及福建之成果檢驗
    Chinese Belt and Road initiative: an empty slogan or effective policy? Analysis of actual results in Xinjiang and Fujian
    Authors: 蔡孟庭
    Tsai, Mong Ting
    Contributors: 盧業中
    Lu, Yeh Chung
    Tsai, Mong Ting
    Keywords: 一帶一路倡議
    Belt and Road
    Silk Road Economic Belt
    21st Century Maritime Silk Road
    Vision and Action on Jointly Building the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
    Effective policy
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-03 14:46:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國政府於2013年提出並付諸實行之一帶一路構想,一經推出便獲得全球高度重視。據中外學者歸納,北京推動一帶一路之動機,一方面為刺激區域及世界貿易、資金、投資,及技術之往來,另一方面欲藉此倡議解決中國面臨的諸多發展問題,如東西發展失衡、貧富不均、國家能源進口來源單一,以及產能過剩等等。又北京於「推動共建絲綢之路經濟帶和21世紀海上絲綢之路的願景與行動」官方聲明中,明確指定新疆及福建將做為推動一帶一路的重點核心區。因此,本文旨在檢驗一帶一路於中國國內的工作成果,並特別探討此政策在新疆及福建兩地是否達到解決上述發展問題之成效。本研究之成果指出,一帶一路於新疆及福建兩地之成效介於不明顯與無效之間。換言之,一帶一路倡議於中國國內更多的是一空洞口號,而非實際有效之政策。此外,一帶一路倡議在新疆之成果較福建顯著,說明路上絲路之設計應為北京之主要戰略意圖,海上絲綢之路則更多是作為配套。
    The Chinese-led Belt and Road Initiative (B&R) has received worldwide attention since its commencement. Apart from promoting economic exchange around the globe, analysts suggest that Beijing’s motives behind the policy also include tackling the developmental problems facing China. Therefore, this research focuses on the domestic effectiveness of the Belt and Road Initiative, presenting a reality check on whether the initiative helps China overcome the developmental obstacles such as limited energy sources, uneven distribution of wealth between the west and east, and oversupply in certain manufacturing industries. As the respective core areas to advance the Belt and Road, Xinjiang and Fujian are selected as the objects to examine the results of the initiative. While Beijing expects highly that the Belt and Road Initiative could bring solutions to China’s developmental bottleneck, this research suggests that the policy’s results in Xinjiang and Fujian is mixed – somewhere between insignificant and ineffective. In addition, the policy results in Xinjiang is relatively more fruitful than they are in Fujian, indicating that the design of the overland route seems to be Beijing’s major area of focus compared to the maritime Silk Road.
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