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    Title: 買或不買: 馬來西亞大學生綠色購買意向調查
    To buy or not to buy: Malaysian University students’ green purchase intention
    Authors: 伊德琳
    Spykerman, Edaline Audrey
    Contributors: 施琮仁
    Shih, Tsung-Jen
    Edaline Audrey Spykerman
    Keywords: 理性行為理論
    Theory of Reasoned Action
    Price sensitivity
    Ecological knowledge
    Ecological concern
    Man-nature orientation
    Green purchase intention
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-03 14:42:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This research was driven by Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to examine the impact of ecological knowledge, ecological concern, and man-nature orientation on green purchasing (including both intention and actual behavior), with the moderating effect of price sensitivity and allowance and/or income. This research surveyed 602 Malaysian university students within the age bracket of 18 to 25, because this specific demographic is a sizeable market and such research is lacking in an emerging economy like Malaysia. The results demonstrated that ecological concern and man-nature orientation influenced purchase intention and actual purchase. The findings also indicated that price sensitivity and allowance and/or income moderated the relationship between behavioral intention and actual behavior. This study has two implications: (1) it extends TRA by exploring the potential moderating variables between behavioral intention and actual behavior, and its findings adds to the body of knowledge in the area of green consumer behavior; (2) marketing managers can formulate their green marketing strategies effectively by consistently driving heart-warming campaigns to create or stir consumers’ emotions. Marketers should keep in mind that Malaysians are highly influenced by man-nature relationship belief, and additionally, marketers need to be careful in justifying pricing difference between non-green and green products for consumers that are sensitive to price.
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