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    Title: 消費者對手機遊戲之忠誠度之影響因素探討
    Influential factors of consumer loyalty for mobile games
    Authors: 李婉瑜
    Lee, Wan Yu
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Chiou, Jyh Shen
    Lee, Wan Yu
    Keywords: 手機遊戲
    Mobile games
    4C exchange cost
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-07-03 14:34:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著台灣消費者智慧型手機使用時間的拉長,手機遊戲產業也隨之快速成長,而本研究欲探討消費者對手機遊戲之忠誠度的影響因素,換言之,哪些因素會影響消費者持續使用手機遊戲的意願。
    With the usage time extension of smartphones in Taiwan, mobile gaming industry will grow rapidly. This study wants to explore factors influencing consumer loyalty of mobile games. In other words, this study would reveal factors which affect consumers to continue to use mobile games.
    Referring to the past literatures and citing the 4C Exchange Cost Theory, this study sorts out 12 factors: Human-Computer Interaction, Social Interaction, Utilitarian Outcome Expectations, Hedonic Outcome Expectations, Trust, Peer Influence, Exclusive Asset of Use Knowledge, Psychological Identity, Perceived Bonding Social Capital, Perceived Bridging Social Capital, Flow Experience and Attitude.
    According to the research result, both Human-Computer Interaction and Social Interaction have a significant and positive impact on Flow Experience. Hedonic Outcome Expectations, Trust, Exclusive Asset of Use Knowledge and Psychological Identity have a significant and positive impact on Attitude. But Perceived Bonding Social Capital has a significant and negative impact on Attitude. Flow Experience, Utilitarian Outcome Expectations, Peer Influence and Perceived Bridging Social Capital have no significant impact on Attitude. Furthermore, Attitude, Peer Influence, Exclusive Asset of Use Knowledge and Psychological Identity have a significant and positive impact on Loyalty. However, Flow Experience, Trust, Perceived Bonding Social Capital and Perceived Bridging Social Capital have no significant impact on Loyalty. This study also proposes the marketing implications behind the research findings. Manufacturers of mobile games can adjust their marketing strategies to achieve the goal of enhancing consumer loyalty in the future.
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