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    Title: 解析中美關係之「經濟」支配力:現實中經濟脅迫之不同理論
    Revealing the true power of economics in the China-United States relationship : separating theory from reality in economic coercive potential
    Authors: 羅若彬
    Contributors: 薛健吾
    Keywords: 經濟
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-06-01 09:56:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國與國之間經濟互賴的失衡足以導致地緣政治衝突風險的升高,因此隨著中國經濟實力的持續增長,學界及政界皆開始注意到中美衝突加劇的可能性。然而,持此種風險論者經常過分高估中國的經濟實力,抑或過度強調美國的經濟與地緣政治優勢。本研究旨在系統性地分析中美經濟實力現況,並將採用Kirshner提出的若干經濟施壓工具套用至兩國各自的經濟情勢。本研究的第一章即點明研究問題與目標。第二章將闡述Kirshner提出的若干經濟施壓工具,並以此建構本文的理論架構。第三章將客觀地呈現中美兩國的經濟實力概況。第四及第五章將分別呈現兩個個案研究,以此檢驗kirshner所提出的假設分析經濟高壓手段的限制,以及二、三章所論述之中美兩國經濟情勢。
    Economic asymmetric interdependence can lead to tensions in a geopolitical relationship, and as China’s economic strength continues to rise the academic and policy circles have analyzed the possibility of tensions boiling over. However, such discussions have often over estimated Chinese economic prowess or over-emphasized United States incumbent economic and geopolitical advantage. This research aims to systematically analyze the economic realities utilizing Kirshner’s tools for economic coercion, and applying them to their respective economic sectors. Chapter one introduces the research questions and aims, chapter two explains Kirshner’s tools for economic coercion as well as lays the groundwork for this research’s methodological framework. Chapter three aims to provide an objective overview of the economic realities between the United States and China. Finally, chapter four and five provide two case studies that test the hypothesizes derived from the analysis of Kirshner’s limitations on economic coercive potential and the Chinese-United States economic realities as explored in chapters two and three.
    Reference: References

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