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    Title: 印尼與台灣的雙向關係研究 - 以台灣與亞齊高等教育合作為例(2010- 2015)
    Authors: 馬戴西
    Mashitah, Syarifah Deti
    Contributors: 楊聰榮
    Yang, Tsung-Rong
    Syarifah Deti Mashitah
    Keywords: 高等教育合作
    Higher educational cooperation
    Scholarship program
    Bilateral relations
    Elite Study in Taiwan
    Institute for Human Research Development
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:38:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人力資源發展研究所(IHRD)是由亞齊政府委託負責管理獎學金計劃的機構。該計劃的目的是為提高人力資源技能以及提高生活水平。 IHRD與台灣精英來台留學計劃辦公室(ESIT)建立了合作關係,以便計劃的順利進行。 ESIT是隸屬台灣教育部且具有代表性機構。其成立的主要是為台灣與包括印度尼西亞在內的其他東南亞國家之間提供更多必要的服務。教育在個人發展中起著重要作用。此外,教育是每個人的基本權利,是任何國家未來的關鍵。教育投資除了可以使人們擁有良好的健康,激勵自主和提供更好的就業選擇,教育資源的投資亦可以幫助建立更和諧的社會。教育不足在公共支出、犯罪、健康和經濟成長等方面產生高昂社會成本。作者主要的研究主題為這種高等教育合作關係是否可能成為讓亞齊與台灣的雙邊關係更為緊密的一個方式。在這麼做同時,作者使用了一些輔助工具,包含檢查工作績效、政策實施、IHRD與ESIT一起運行此獎學金計劃的管理系統。此外,還進行了專家案例研究,為本研究提供了深入和實務分析。該研究發現,目前獎學金計劃不僅透過給予獲獎者體驗海外留學生活機會有效增加亞齊的教育標準,還通過這個高等教育合作對亞齊和台灣之間的雙邊關係帶來了很多好處。
    Institute of Human Resource Development (IHRD) is an institution commissioned right under the Governor of Aceh to manage the scholarship program. The aim of this program is to improve the human resource skill as well as to increase the living standard. IHRD has established the cooperation with Elite Study In Taiwan (ESIT) in order to run this program well. ESIT is a representative institution under the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Its purpose is to provide necessary services for the higher cooperation which exists between Taiwan and other Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia. Education plays an importance role in one’s development. Also, education is a fundamental right for everyone and key to the future of any country. Investment in education can put people on a path towards good health, empowerment and employment as well as it can help to build more peaceful societies. Inadequate education produces high costs for society in terms of public spending, crime, health, and economic growth. The author is particularly interested to study whether or not more on this higher education cooperation may become a mean in order to tighten the bilateral relations between Aceh and Taiwan. In doing so, a secondary approach has been utilized by examining work performances, implemented policies, and administrative system of IHRD in running this scholarship program together with ESIT. In addition, an expert case study has been conducted to show case an in depth and practical analysis for this research. The study finds out that current scholarship program is not only effective to increase the education standard of Aceh by giving the awardees chance to experience to study overseas, but also bring a number of benefits toward the bilateral relationship between Aceh and Taiwan through this higher education cooperation.
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