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    Title: 服務創新之顧客需求鏈的內涵與結構初探
    An exploratory study of the contents and structure of customer demand chain for Service Innovations
    Authors: 游嘉惠
    Yu, Chia-Hui
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Yu, Chia-Hui
    Keywords: 服務創新
    Service innovation
    Customer service demand chain
    Customer service demand hierarchical chain
    Customer service demand time chain
    Customer service demand depth chain
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:36:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來服務業快速發展,企業面對競爭激烈的市場下,必須運用創新來突圍,以創造出關鍵競爭力。因此,服務創新成為十分重要的議題,而顧客又為服務之核心,服務業者需要針對顧客的需求來設計創新服務以滿足顧客的需求,才能更進一步為企業整體帶來績效。故本研究希望能透過對於服務創新下之顧客需求鏈的探討,找出顧客需求鏈的結構與其內涵,進而提供企業進行服務創新之方向。
    As the rapidly changing global environment, firms compete dramatically and extensively in the global market; they have to seek new markets and methods for differentiating themselves from their competitors. Innovation is the critical method to create different competition from their competitors. Customer is the core role in the service content; therefore the managers have to focus on the demands of the customers and try to satisfy their demands to enhance the performance of the firm. Thus, the research investigates the customer demand chain in service innovation and identifies the content and its structure to provide the direction and strategy of service innovation to the service industry managers.
    We use a multiple-case approach and have two stages to interview eight customers and two service industries. In the first stage, we have an open interview to four male and four female customers who have been to Wowprime and have experienced innovative mobile financial services. According to the results, we design the semi-structure interview questionnaire in the second stage. We select E.SUN Bank and Wowprime as our case study. We interview managers from the department of e-commerce in the E-Sun bank; they provide four innovation projects on the concerns of FinTech and mobile banking: the projects of Paypal, cross-country transactions through TaoBao website, E-finger on loan, and mobile banking. We also choose Wang Steak, Tokiya, Ikki, Pinnada, Hot-7, and the brand department of Wowprime group as our case studies in the catering industry. Then, we use the principles of coding and analysis of multiple-cases study, and we analyze the contents of the interviews and the primary and secondary data. Subsequently, we present the research findings and comparisons. Finally, we develop the research propositions.
    The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) The structure of customer demand chain in service innovation mainly includes three chains: Customer service demand hierarchical chain, customer service demand time chain and customer service demand depth chain. (2) Customer service hierarchical demand includes the physiological service need and the desires to know and understand service need are of the same importance. It then includes safety service need, belongingness and love service need, self-esteem service need, self-actualization service need, and esthetic service need. (3) The content of customer demand time chain in innovation service includes: customer service demand in the "front," "middle" and "back." (4) The customer service demand depth chain includes "easy-to-know service demand" and "not easy-to-known service demand." (5) Service providers’ consideration of the content of the customer demand hierarchical chain in service innovation is based on Maslow`s basic human needs. And they also take into account the customer demand time-chain and depth-chain. (6) When it comes to customer demand, the cognition of service providers and customers is similar, but their cognitions between "self-fulfillment service demand" in customer demand hierarchical chain and "not easy-to-known service demand" in depth chain are different. (7) Service providers can create innovative services through a combination of the following three chains: customer service demand hierarchical chain, customer service demand time chain and customer service demand depth chain.
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