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    Title: 當前台灣女性賦權-以酒類廣告探討之
    Current empowerment of women in Taiwan: case study of alcohol advertisement
    Authors: 方欹葳
    Fang, Yi Wei
    Contributors: 林佳瑩
    Fang, Yi Wei
    Keywords: 女性主義
    Leisure class
    Wine culture
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:27:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在父權的社會中,女性一直處於被宰制的弱勢地位,雖然今日女性在賦權的過程中,已在經濟、宗教、教育各方面達到平權,但在真實的社會制度裡,兩性平權依然只是一種幻覺。
    In the patriarchal society,women have long occupied a lower status . Although women today have gained more rights in economy, religion, and education in the process of empowerment, denger equality is still an illusion in real social systems.

    In order to explore the empowerment of Taiwanese women, this study is based on feminist view, complemented with Goffman`s "stigma" theory and Veblen`s "leisure class" theory, discussing the roles women and man played in the wine culture in the past, as well as how gender images are currently presented in alcohol advertising.

    According to this research, the wine merchants have commercialized in the advertising the symbols advocated by the feminists. And the stigmatized phenomenon of women still exists, while just turning from obvious ways into more sophisticated approach. Men’s patriarchal stereotype images for women still exist. For example, men control the power and produce tools, while women still try to imitate men, or just take supporting roles. From all above, it is not difficult to find out that gender equality is merely superficial. There is still long way to go for the woman empowerment.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1012545011
    Data Type: thesis
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