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Title: | 公共設施保留地容積移轉與競標機制績效之研究 A study on the performance of the TDR of land reservations for public facilities and bidding mechanism |
Authors: | 范振鋒 Fan, Chen Feng |
Contributors: | 邊泰明 Bian, Tai Ming 范振鋒 Fan, Chen Feng |
Keywords: | 容積移轉 競標制度 私有既成道路 TDR Bidding mechanis Privately owned road |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-03-01 17:23:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 容積移轉(Transfer of Development Rights, TDR)制度,源自於歐美國家為保護自然環境、生態環境及文化資產所創設之發展權移轉,多應用於歷史古蹟、歷史保存區與環境敏感地區之保護及保存,此外,並利用都市成長管理計畫加以管理。而在台灣地區,因政府長期受限於公共設施保留地取得問題,故而將容積移轉適用範圍擴大應用於公共設施保留地取得,於是各縣市政府陸續依據內政部訂定之「都市計畫容積移轉實施辦法」訂定自治條例。 政府為解決私有既成道路徵收補償問題,於是訂定「中央補助直轄市縣市政府取得私有既成道路試辦計畫」,希望能以競標方式為手段取得私有既成道路,基於私有既成道路因係私有財產權受有財產權制度性保障,以避免民眾權益受到損害,解決社會不公平問題。 本研究採取對容積移轉及競標制度相關理論做文獻回顧,認為藉由實施容積移轉制度確實是一種可保護自然環境、生態環境、文化資產及取得公共設施保留地的一種方法,卻不是唯一可行的方式,在制度面上有許多未盡周延或實際操作上極待克服的課題。 從本研究中發現容積移轉制度的容積價值換算及競標制度的競標價格,並不能真實補償私有公共設施保留地土地所有權長期無法補償的損失,且確實尚未達到各縣市土地徵收補償標準及容積移轉適用性。期望藉由建構競標價格權重分配模型之補償機制,確立合理的競標價格補償比例規範,透過量化標準尋找競標價格補償比例,其目的是作為日後增修法令調整項目核給競標比例之參考。 政府制定及執相關都市計畫政策都應要有宏觀的視野,對於容積移轉及競標政策,我們認為政府的設計與做法應該更謹慎,才是一個政府永續經營的負責態度,才能為人民建立一個安居樂業的生活環境。 The mechanism of TDR is for the protection of the conservation of natural environment and eco-system and cultural assets in United States and Europe area. Most casts of TDR are used to reserve the historical district and the sensitive areas, in addition to manage the urban development. In Taiwan, the government expands the use of TDR to retain the lands for public-facilities use, in order to resolve the long-tern struggling of the storage of public-facilities lands. Base on the regulation of the 「The Implementation Measures of TDR in Urban Planning」, the local government formulate the measures one after another. The government in order to solve the issue of the compensation for privately owned road expropriation. To formulate the「The central government subsidy municipalities and counties to obtain a privately owned road into a pilot project」, it is hoped that a privately owned road can be obtained by bidding means. Based on the private ownership of the road, because of the system of private property rights protected by property rights. To avoid damage of the public rights and interests. And solve the problem of social unfair. In this thesis, the capacity transfer theory and the bidding mechanism are reviewed. We conclude that the current system of the capacity transfer is one method to conservation of natural environment and eco-system and cultural assets and in the acquisition of the public reserved but not the only best one. There are still some problems in the system, especially in the practical execution aspect. We found that the current formula for the estimation of the capacity value in the capacity transfer system and the bidding price in the bidding mechanism, they do not really compensate the loss of the long-term private ownership of the public reserved. Furthermore, it does not meet the standard of the compensation for expropriating land, neither does the capacity transfer appropriation. Except to build the compensation mechanism of bidding price weighting allocation model. Establish the reasonable compensation proportion specification of bidding price. Find the compensation proportion specification of bidding price through the quantification criteria. The purpose is to adjust the project as a future increase in the proportion of approved bidding reference. The government should have a global consideration in the urban planning and in enhancement of the living quality in the city. For the capacity transfer theory and the bidding mechanism, we suggest that the government should be more prudent designing the system and the execution. For the sustainable management, it is a responsibility for a city government to help citizens lead their happy life. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 101923019 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101923019 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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