题名: | 我國團體協約法中誠信協商義務之探討—兼論美國法之規範 The duty to bargain in good faith in Taiwan:with a discussion on The U.S.A. |
作者: | 謝佳珣 |
贡献者: | 王惠玲 謝佳珣 |
关键词: | 不當勞動行為 不當勞動行為裁決機制 裁決制度 團體協約法 團體協商 誠信協商 誠實信用原則 必要資料義務 Unfair Labor Practices Collective Agreements Act Settlement of Labor Disputes Act Labor Dispute Resolution Collective Bargaining Bargaining in Good Faith Providing Information Necessary For the Bargaining. |
日期: | 2017 |
上传时间: | 2017-03-01 17:21:51 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 為落實勞工團結權、團體協商權及爭議權,我國於2007年起陸續修正《工會法》、《團體協約法》及《勞資爭議處理法》,於2010年5月1日起施行,且參考美國與日本之立法,建立不當勞動行為裁決機制,以保障勞工權利不受侵害。 勞動三法修正對於集體勞資關係帶來重大影響,其中一項即為誠信協商制度之導入。根據修正後《團體協約法》第6條第1項之規範:「勞資雙方應本誠實信用原則,進行團體協約之協商;對於他方所提團體協約之協商,無正當理由者,不得拒絕。」規定今後勞資任一方若向他方請求協商時,他方不僅有回應的義務,且須以誠實信用原則為之。由於此制度我國尚處於起步之階段,許多問題須進一步檢討釐清。 因此,本文首先說明目前《團體協約法》所規範之團體協商制度,再從裁決委員會之裁決決定書當中,整理及分析我國實務上拒絕誠信協商之態樣。另外,再輔以說明美國法上誠信協商義務以及協商事項之重要類型、提供協商中必要資料義務之範圍,作為對我國誠信協商制度之啟示。 To implement the right of employees to organize, bargain collectively, and strike, the government has revised “Labor Union Act”, “Collective Agreement Act” and “Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes” since 2007, and finally has been in place since May 2011. In addition, the Labor Dispute Resolution Scheme for unfair labor practices also be structured by reference to the legislation of United States and Japan, to protect people from unfair labor practices. One of the biggest influences in the collective labor-management relations after the Legal amendments is to establish the principle of bargaining in good faith. According to Section 1 of Article 6 of the newly amended Collective Agreements Act, both the labor and the management shall proceed in good faith when bargaining for a collective agreement; any party without justifiable reasons cannot reject the collective bargaining proposed by the other party. Because it’s the first time to implement the institution in Taiwan, there are many questions in need of clarification. Therefore, this Article intends to introduce the collective bargaining scheme under the current Collective Agreements Act, and also sort out the decision of the Labor Dispute Resolution Scheme for unfair labor practices, attempt to analysize of the aspect of refusing to bargain in good faith in the practice. Moreover, the article is supplemented by the obligations and the important types of bargaining in good faith, the obligation of providing information necessary for the bargaining in the process in Unites States labour law, expected to have implications in Taiwan. |
參考文獻: | 壹、中文部分
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 103262006 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103262006 |
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