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    题名: LED散熱廠商新製程產品導入策略 與經營績效關係之研究-以J公司為例
    Study on the relationship between the LED new product strategy and operating performance – an example of J company
    作者: 林俊瑞
    Lin, Chun Jui
    贡献者: 李易諭
    Lee, Yi Yu
    Lin, Chun Jui
    关键词: 競爭優勢
    Competitive advantages
    Value resources
    Distinctive capabilities
    Collective core competences
    Dynamic capability
    日期: 2017
    上传时间: 2017-03-01 17:06:47 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 企業的核心競爭優勢是一個建立在企業的核心資源基礎上,包括技術、管理、文化、專利、產業累積知識等,一個整體綜合的優勢,最後反應該企業在市場上經營的結果。企業要先確認自己相對於市場的競爭優勢是什麼,因為長久不斷累積耕耘該領域,企業會比競爭者或新進者擁有更多的學習經驗,擁有更多專業知識,時間一久企業就會把競爭者甩在後頭,獨家擁有最佳的該領域競爭優勢,更讓企業在經營過程會形成不容易被競爭者與新進者模仿、並帶來超額利潤的獨特能力。本研究是藉由理論架構工具來盤點個案公司的競爭優勢構面,為其盤點哪些是有價值性資源、獨特於競爭對手的能力、能力組合成能耐與擁有動態思維行動去適應環境的能力等,為個案公司整理出企業之所以能夠持續保有競爭優勢構面組成。再審視個案公司新製程產品事業策略利用到既有核心競爭優勢的程度高低與個案公司經營績效的關係,提出討論與建議。
    The enterprise’s core Competitive Advantage (CA as the short form shown below) is based on the core resources of an enterprise, these resources are turned to be as the technologies, management, culture, patents, market’s cumulated knowledges and etc., it’s a kind of comprehensive advantages to be reflected on the enterprise’s excellence performance in the market. However, it’s to be to make sure before heading to the market for what the advantages the enterprise will bring to the market and to take a persistent, consecutive and a long-term engagement in the market, it may acquire a lot more of experiences and advanced technologies than the competitors or new comers who may fall much behind, and it becomes the sole leader in the market as it’s surely that the enterprise has core CAs with distinctive and in-imitated phenomenon and bring descent high revenue and profit in the long run after that.
    This paper is to take a constructive theoretical tool to check the composition of CAs inside the case company to distinguish from what are the value resources, distinctive capabilities, collective core competences and dynamic capability to adapt the environmental change to explain how the case company keep its sustainably CAs in the market. Furthermore, how the existed CAs were used and involved in the new product during the development and what’s the performance comparison according to CAs’ involvement.
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