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    Title: 消費性電子產品零售業經營策略之個案研究-以R公司為例
    A case study of r company on retail consumer electronics business strategy
    Authors: 林正勇
    Lin, Cheng Yung
    Contributors: 李易諭
    Lee, Y.Y.
    Lin, Cheng Yung
    Keywords: 零售業
    Operational Strategy
    Business Model
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:06:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 面對全球化市場與激烈競爭壓力下,企業如何維持生存及永續經營的長期競爭優勢,與提升股東的價值,己經成為企業追求的目標及使命。
    本研究透過個案R公司,曾經是一個近百年經營歷史的美國前二大消費性電子類產品零售商,擁有自有品牌,代理及加盟店總數曾經高達7000多家,零售點幾乎遍佈全美各州.公司業績曾超過美金60 億美元,(約NT 1,800億元),其企業形象與產品服務等,曾為美國消費者認為是新科技創新與零售產業之標竿。
    本研究經由探討及分析個案公司過去不同時期的營運策略及商業模式運用,歷程如何極大化其競爭力領先市場競爭者。 然而面對消費性電子產品市場不段變遷、新科技及網際網路創新之商業營運模式下,個案公司如何面臨重大經營挑戰而下市。科技的發達,帶來消費行為的改變,不論是實體零售業者、或是線上業者,都必須與時俱進才能保持競爭力。未來,業者若不加緊腳步,整合虛實通路行銷、產品及服務的需求,及適時的調整營運模式與策略,恐怕會在業績上重大衝擊。希望由此個案研究結論, 能給相關企業未來參考進而有所助益。

    In the face of global market and intense competition, how to maintain the long-term competitive advantage of survival and sustainable management, and to enhance the value of shareholders, has become the pursuit of business goals and mission.
    The world`s major business model of circulation activities, of which the retail industry to face the ultimate consumer of the main business, and with the diversification of consumer lifestyle, sales model breakthrough and innovation, and the increasingly fierce market competition, But also gradually have a new look, but also brought the business strategy on the challenges. How will the retail industry manage new business opportunities through transformation and innovation?
    This study, through Case R- Company, was a top consumer electronics retailer in the United States for nearly a century, with its own brands, agents and franchises totaling more than 7,000 retail outlets in almost all states. The company`s performance has exceeded US $ 6 billion (about NT $ 180 billion), its corporate image and product services, etc., was the US consumer think is the new technology innovation and retail industry benchmark.
    This study explores and analyzes the use of business strategies and business models in the past different periods of time, and how the process maximizes its competitive leading market competitors. However, the face of consumer electronics market is not changing, new technology and Internet innovation business model, the case of how companies face major business challenges and market. The development of technology, bringing changes in consumer behavior, whether physical retailers, or online industry, must keep pace with the times to remain competitive. In the future, if the industry does not step up the pace, the integration of the actual situation of marketing, product and service needs, and timely adjustment of business models and strategies, should have major impacts of the performance. Hope that the case study conclusions, to the future reference to the relevant enterprises and then help.

    Keywords: Retail, Operational Strategy, Business Model, Competitiveness
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103932040
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